
楼主 #1 2020-04-05 16:40:33

注册时间: 2019-10-15
已发帖子: 130
积分: 100

谁知道 Reuuimlla Technology Co., Ltd. 的前后来历



#2 2020-04-05 16:46:21

注册时间: 2020-02-20
已发帖子: 458
积分: 444.5

Re: 谁知道 Reuuimlla Technology Co., Ltd. 的前后来历



#3 2020-04-05 16:57:33

注册时间: 2020-03-17
已发帖子: 204
积分: 199

Re: 谁知道 Reuuimlla Technology Co., Ltd. 的前后来历



#4 2020-04-05 17:19:12

注册时间: 2019-03-09
已发帖子: 445
积分: 489

Re: 谁知道 Reuuimlla Technology Co., Ltd. 的前后来历

从邮件列表里面找到了一个可能是这个公司名称来历的地方:[Arm-netbook] A20 and A10 NAND

2013/5/31 Tom Cubie <mr.hipboi at gmail.com>:
> On May 30, 2013 3:11 AM, "luke.leighton" <luke.leighton at gmail.com> wrote:
>> i've started a comparison of function names and IO base addresses (nm
>> modules/nand/libnand) and have found that the function names are
>> exactly the same, as well as the I/O base for the A20 NAND driver is
>> exactly the same as that of the A10.  i would hazard a very rough
>> guess therefore that the hardware of the A20 NAND is identical to that
>> of the A10.
>> "the usual" fucking around with the header files however has been done
>> [by that manager that we know orders allwinner software team members
>> to alter the copyright messages].  in the A10 3.4 source code
>> arch/arm/plat-sunxi/include/plat/platform.h we have a correct
>> Copyright message, 2007-2012, Copyright Allwinner Ltd, and in the A20
>> 3.3 source code arch/arm/mach-sun7i/include/mach/platform.h we have
>> Copyright 2010-2015, Copyright  Reuuimlla Technology Co., Ltd.
>> <www.reuuimllatech.com>
>> i note according to whois queries that the domain name
>> reuuimllatech.com is not registered.  does anyone have £15 to spare
>> that they'd like to throw at a domain registrar, perchance?
> sorry, i invented the word reuuimllatech. my stupid manager asked me to
> remove all allwinner word from source code. so i replaced all allwinner with
> reuuimlla, the reverse of allwinner.

ROFLMAO. Brilliant. I wondered where such a name came from. You didn't
only reverse you tilted a few letters.

BTW. I know it's a thin line. But if the copyright holder is
non-existent, then there is no copyright right?

Another questionable thought. What about registering "Reuuimlla
Technology Co., Ltd." at the Chinese  authorities (chamber of
commerce) and claim copyright as stated in the code.

...Corporate legal thinking yugh.

Rules and laws never hinder those who which to harm. Those who want
live in harmony are always limited by the rules to prevent harm.

The problem is choice and choice is probably the solution.

>> anyway, i'm going to try an experiment - compile up an A20 kernel,
>> replicate the stuff i did earlier with A10 (fex loader) and then try
>> compiling the standard A10 3.4 nand kernel in.
>> l.
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去linux-sunxi上找了一下,果然有相关代码,不过似乎没有被合并到主线上:add gpio & dma driver to sun7i · linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi@715dc19

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