
楼主 # 2022-05-07 13:36:57

Dhiman Airao
注册时间: 2022-04-23
已发帖子: 3
积分: 13

MIPI dphy driver probed with Invalid resource error.

Hello we have custom rk3399 based board which runs debian image that we compiled with the help of this resource : https://wiki.radxa.com/Rockpi4/dev/Debian.
We are trying to make work the IMX219 sensor module right now. In order to do that we also set flag to okay for mipi_rx0, and i2c4 which is used for sensor in dtsi. After Adding few logs in IMX219 sensor driver we found that it gets probed with no any errors however after probing of sensor is done Kernel tries to load the Driver for MIPI DPhy RX0 which fails with Following error :

` rockchip-sy-mipi-dphy ff770000.syscon:mipi-dphy-rx0: invalid resource `

The probe function returns with 0 even after this error but when i try to list video devices I can find the sensor. and i suspect this error could be the reason for that but i have no idea about what might be causing this.

It would be great if someone can point out whats could be the problem.



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