
楼主 # 2023-12-16 16:15:48

注册时间: 2019-08-30
已发帖子: 253
积分: 314.5






注意:100MHz 采样率下我的逻辑分析仪只能抓取 3 个信号,,所以未抓取 MISO 信号,,请忽略

然后AiBurn中按下“开始”按钮,,烧录失败,,log 内容如下,,但烧录过程中 SPI0 上完全没有任何信号,,请问这个是什么原因??

[debug] Software Version: "1.3.4"
[debug] Machine Name: "WMX-PC"
[debug] System Name: "Windows 10 (10.0)"
[debug] CPU Architecture: "x86_64" 

[debug] Parse the image header from "C:/Users/WMX/Desktop/d211_demo100_nand_page_2k_block_128k_v1.0.0.img"
[debug] Soc type: "d211"
[debug] Board type: "demo100_nand_page_2k_block_128k"
[debug] Image version: "1.0.0"
[debug] Storage type: "spi-nand"
[debug] Storage ID: "P=2K,B=128K"
[debug] Meta count: "13" 

[debug] Refresh the partition tree ...
[debug] Part name: image.target.spl , size: 128528 
[debug] Part name: image.target.uboot , size: 826603 
[debug] Part name: image.target.env , size: 16384 
[debug] Part name: image.target.logo , size: 141709 
[debug] Part name: image.target.kernel , size: 7721688 
[debug] Part name: image.target.recovery , size: 10173439 
[debug] Part name: image.target.rootfs , size: 29585408 

[debug] Current connect type: 0
[debug] There are "1" device available

[debug] Try to connect the ArtInChip device "1:2" ...
[debug] Try to get Usb device hd info...
[debug] Get Usb device hd info success
[debug] The status of ArtInChip device: true
[debug] Start burn online ...
[debug] Progress range: 0 ~ 49743872

[debug] Burn Image file "C:/Users/WMX/Desktop/d211_demo100_nand_page_2k_block_128k_v1.0.0.img" ... 

[debug] Meta 0 image.updater.ddr , size 27408 ...
[debug] Blocksize 4 , chunk 1048576 * 0 , rest 27408
[debug] Offset: 8704 Size: 27408
[debug] Dev "1:2" Send the rest data 27408
[debug] Don't check the result of image.updater.ddr

[debug] Meta 1 image.updater.env , size 16384 ...
[debug] Blocksize 4 , chunk 1048576 * 0 , rest 16384
[debug] Offset: 37376 Size: 16384
[debug] Dev "1:2" Send the rest data 16384

[debug] Meta 2 image.updater.uboot , size 826603 ...
[debug] Blocksize 4 , chunk 1048576 * 0 , rest 826603
[debug] Offset: 53760 Size: 826603
[debug] Dev "1:2" Send the rest data 826603

[debug] Meta 3 image.updater.logo , size 141709 ...
[debug] Blocksize 4 , chunk 1048576 * 0 , rest 141709
[debug] Offset: 881152 Size: 141709
[debug] Dev "1:2" Send the rest data 141709

[debug] Meta 4 image.updater.spl , size 128528 ...
[debug] Blocksize 4 , chunk 1048576 * 0 , rest 128528
[debug] Offset: 1024512 Size: 128528
[debug] Dev "1:2" Send the rest data 128528
[debug] Don't check the result of image.updater.spl

[debug] Meta 5 image.info , size 2048 ...
[debug] Blocksize 4 , chunk 1048576 * 0 , rest 2048
[debug] Offset: 0 Size: 2048
[debug] Dev "1:2" Send the rest data 2048

[debug] Meta 6 image.target.spl , size 128528 ...
[error] The status of device "1:2" error
[warn ] Try to resend firmware component image.target.spl , try count: 1
[warn ] Try to recovery the connection
[warn ] Resend firmware component: image.target.spl
[error] The status of device "1:2" error
[debug] Update "fail_cnt" of "2023-12-16"


#1 2023-12-16 21:30:14

注册时间: 2023-04-11
已发帖子: 212
积分: 191

Re: 求教,,使用AiBurn烧录,,D211不读写SPINAND直接报错烧录失败,,

我的40pin rgb 调试了一周多了,现在才显示颜色正常,  lvgl都还没真正跑起来



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