
#1 Re: 司徒开源 » 研究FC3000掌機的開源可行性 » 2024-01-20 22:12:05

Hello. Kernel fc3000 is created without any problems, But when creating a boot, the following error is displayed. Maybe someone has encountered and knows the solution?

#2 Re: 司徒开源 » 研究FC3000掌機的開源可行性 » 2022-09-07 22:35:01

Good afternoon, I have a question about the fc3000 v2 console, please help me find where this logo is located in the firmware and how to change it to my own? On xyc q8, I meggered with a hex editor or replaced with my own when creating u-boot. If this is possible on fc3000, then what address, through a hex editor or in which file in the firmware itself, is this logo located?-5235490457683870013_121.jpg


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