
#1 Re: 君正Ingenic/X1000/X2000/T10/T20/T30 » F1C100s 串口可能用 RS485半双工模式吗?本来想通过控制 PE10 高低电平实现半双工, 结果连ioctl都通不过 » 2024-02-20 09:09:38

TX Empty Trigger
Writes have no effect when THRE_MODE_USER = Disabled. This is used to
select the empty threshold level at which the THRE Interrupts are
generated when the mode is active. lt also determines when the
dma_tx_req_n signal is asserted when in certain modes of operation.
00: FIFO empty
01: 2 characters in the FIFO
10: FIFO 1/4 full
11: FIFO 1/2 full”


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