
#1 Re: 全志 SOC » f1c200s LCD panel MiyooCFW » 2023-01-04 04:23:04

I get here because in the disord channel of the MiyooCFW they tell me to ask here for Steward?

#2 全志 SOC » f1c200s LCD panel MiyooCFW » 2023-01-04 04:21:14

回复: 1

Hello and happy new year!
Im writing this to all of you because I want to add support for a LCD panel to the custom firmware MiyooCFW.

The code in the ribbon cable of the LCD is "FPC-KZ2891A-QVCS-090"

Im trying to modify the U-Boot source to select manually one by one the 4 types of pannel in the source but all of them seems to only display a blank screen (Not initializationg the panel?)

Can anyone help me please?


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