
#1 全志 SOC » F1C200S does not start FEL if SD inserted » 2023-03-09 17:48:54

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Hello. Very strange behaviour of F1C200S board from LCTech also known as CherryPI - board with 128Mb GD NAND. If i insert SD-card, device does not boot and even does not enter FEL mode if i hold  BOOT btn and press RESET btn. If i unplug SD-card and reset, device successfully boots, and if i then insert sd again, it detects card, i can mount it and work with it. With inserted card if i fast press multiple times reset, sometimes it start and write muliple

U-Boot SPL 2020.07 (Mar 07 2023 - 15:09:55 +0300)
DRAM: 64 MiB
Trying to boot from MMC1

What may be wrong and is it possible to repair this? Thanx.


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