
#5 Re: 全志 SOC » 淘宝V3s摄像头(防瞌睡? 检测司机打电话?)卡在gc0403驱动,有能力继续研究的朋友送两台拆解,跟帖或者联系微信 whycan_cn » 2023-11-05 13:22:50

I decompiled the driver from the original kernel of this device, the initialization array is very different from the manual for the camera given here, with this array the camera switched to DVP mode and a data stream appeared, and the pclk, hsync, vsync outputs were also switched on.  Tomorrow I will post the changes on Github.  By the way, MIPI mode appears to be initialized in the rockchip driver.

#8 Re: 全志 SOC » 淘宝V3s摄像头(防瞌睡? 检测司机打电话?)卡在gc0403驱动,有能力继续研究的朋友送两台拆解,跟帖或者联系微信 whycan_cn » 2023-10-26 16:59:29

 [    0.854870][    T1] gc0403 0-003c: Detected GC0403 sensor 

SUCCEFULL, update on github coming soon..

As it was already mentioned here, the camera requires MCLK to work, I corrected the device tree for this, but as it turned out I had bad soldering in the connector of my debug board. After eliminating the missing connection, the camera was located at 3c, wtf?? The manual indicates address 78, it turned out everything is simple, 78 is together with the direction bit, and Linux does not take this bit into account either in the device tree or i2c-tools, that is, the address actually needs to be shifted to the right by one bit, that is, divided by two 78/ 2 = 3c, bingo.

#10 Re: 全志 SOC » 淘宝V3s摄像头(防瞌睡? 检测司机打电话?)卡在gc0403驱动,有能力继续研究的朋友送两台拆解,跟帖或者联系微信 whycan_cn » 2023-10-21 20:58:05

buildroot for booting from spi nor, the driver for gc0403 is built in, but does not work, the device tree does not enable mclk clock

for build:
make DowJhob_defconfig

#11 Re: 全志 SOC » 淘宝V3s摄像头(防瞌睡? 检测司机打电话?)卡在gc0403驱动,有能力继续研究的朋友送两台拆解,跟帖或者联系微信 whycan_cn » 2023-05-30 03:14:28

to makefile add

obj-$(CONFIG_VIDEO_GC0403)  += gc0403.o

to Kconfig

config VIDEO_GC0403
    tristate "GalaxyCore GC0403 sensor support"
    depends on I2C && VIDEO_V4L2 && VIDEO_V4L2_SUBDEV_API
    select V4L2_FWNODE
      Support for the GalaxyCore GC0403 sensor.

      To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
      module will be called gc0403.

and enable cam support in linux-menuconfig
after these changes apper gc0403.o file

i dont test, wait board from tao

You expected to see your camera at address 0x3C, although your fex file shows address 0x78

vip_dev0_twi_addr = 120

But again, if it is not added to the device tree, then the kernel will not load a driver for it, which must be pre-built

I will be doing a lichee pi zero test, if you want to run your kernel with camera support on this board you will also need to set the pmu to the appropriate voltages


If you want a shell on the device, use ADB

adb -d shell

via usb pins near the connector, camdroid is used on the device

#14 Re: 全志 SOC » 淘宝V3s摄像头(防瞌睡? 检测司机打电话?)卡在gc0403驱动,有能力继续研究的朋友送两台拆解,跟帖或者联系微信 whycan_cn » 2023-05-30 03:05:39

dts file:

&csi1 {
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <&csi1_8bit_pins>;
	status = "okay";

	port {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;

		csi1_ep: endpoint {
			remote-endpoint = <&gc0403_ep>;
			bus-width = <8>;                              // number of data lines actively used, valid for the parallel busses.
			hsync-active = <1>;                           // active state of the HSYNC signal, 0/1 for LOW/HIGH respectively.
			vsync-active = <0>;                           // active state of the VSYNC signal, 0/1 for LOW/HIGH respectively.
			data-active = <1>;                            // similar to HSYNC and VSYNC, specifies data line polarity.
			pclk-sample = <1>;                            // sample data on rising (1) or falling (0) edge of the pixel clock signal.

&i2c1 {
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c1_pe_pins>;
	status = "okay";
	gc0403: camera@78 {
		compatible = "galaxycore,gc0403";
		reg = <0x78>;
		pinctrl-names = "default";
		pinctrl-0 = <&csi1_mclk_pin>;
		clocks = <&ccu CLK_CSI1_MCLK>;
		clock-names = "xvclk";
		pwdn-gpios = <&pio 4 17 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /* PE17 */
		port {mm
			gc0403_ep: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&csi1_ep>;
				bus-width = <8>;                              // number of data lines actively used, valid for the parallel busses.
				hsync-active = <1>;                           // active state of the HSYNC signal, 0/1 for LOW/HIGH respectively.
				vsync-active = <0>;                           // active state of the VSYNC signal, 0/1 for LOW/HIGH respectively.
				data-active = <1>;                            // similar to HSYNC and VSYNC, specifies data line polarity.
				pclk-sample = <1>;                            // sample data on rising (1) or falling (0) edge of the pixel clock signal.

dtsi file

			csi1_8bit_pins: csi1-8bit-pins {
				pins = "PE0", "PE2", "PE3", "PE8", "PE9",                      // PCLK, HSYNK, VSYNK, D4, D5, 
				       "PE10", "PE11", "PE12", "PE13", "PE14",                 // D6, D7, D8, D9, D10
				       "PE15";                                                 // D11
				function = "csi";

			csi1_mclk_pin: csi1-mclk-pin {
				pins = "PE20";                                                   // MCLK
				function = "csi";

#15 Re: 全志 SOC » 淘宝V3s摄像头(防瞌睡? 检测司机打电话?)卡在gc0403驱动,有能力继续研究的朋友送两台拆解,跟帖或者联系微信 whycan_cn » 2023-05-30 02:59:11

You tried to use a driver written for the kernel of the third version in the kernel of the fourth version, moreover, you did not indicate how you included it in the KConfig and Makefile, also for the gc0403 driver you need to specify the device tree config


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