
#1 Re: 全志 SOC » T113 USB连接PC无法识别问题. » 2023-11-01 16:41:25


#2 Re: 全志 SOC » T113 USB连接PC无法识别问题. » 2023-09-29 18:42:15

Reset电压1.771, 启动还算稳定.
焊上spi nand测了, 不插tf卡, 烧录也是有问题.

空板子上电启动进入烧录模式,可以识别到VID 1F3A,PID EFE8.
通过PhoeniSuit软件二次启动后, 就又会变成无法获取描述符.

U-Boot 2018.05-g2a1965a (Jul 10 2022 - 02:50:57 +0000) Allwinner Technology

[02.457]CPU:   Allwinner Family
[02.460]Model: sun8iw20
[02.462]DRAM:  128 MiB
[02.465]Relocation Offset is: 04ebc000
[02.491]secure enable bit: 0
[02.494]CPU=1008 MHz,PLL6=600 Mhz,AHB=200 Mhz, APB1=100Mhz  MBus=300Mhz
[02.500]gic: normal mode
[02.502]flash init start
[02.505]workmode = 16,storage type = 0
try card 2
set card number 2
get card number 2
[02.512][mmc]: mmc driver ver uboot2018:2021-12-20 13:35:00
[02.519][mmc]: Is not Boot mode!
[02.522][mmc]: SUNXI SDMMC Controller Version:0x50310
[02.533][mmc]: ************Try SD card 2************
[02.538][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100
[02.543][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 8,  RTO
[02.546][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset
[02.551][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100
[02.555][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 55,  RTO
[02.559][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset
[02.563][mmc]: ************Try MMC card 2************
[02.572][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100
[02.576][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 1,  RTO
[02.579][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset
[02.583][mmc]: Card did not respond to voltage select!
[02.588][mmc]: ************SD/MMC 2 init error!************
[02.594][mmc]: mmc init product failed
MMC init failed
try emmc fail
[02.600]sunxi-spinand: AW SPINand MTD Layer Version: 1.8 20220106
[02.606]sunxi-spinand-phy: AW SPINand Phy Layer Version: 1.11 20211217
[02.614]sunxi-spinand-phy: request spi0 gpio ok
[02.618]sunxi-spinand-phy: request general tx dma channel ok!
[02.623]sunxi-spinand-phy: request general rx dma channel ok!
[02.629]sunxi-spinand-phy: set spic0 clk to 20 Mhz
[02.633]sunxi-spinand-phy: init spic0 clk ok
[02.637]sunxi-spinand-phy: detect munufacture from id table: Winbond
[02.643]sunxi-spinand-phy: detect spinand id: ff21aaef ffffffff
[02.649]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========== arch info ==========
[02.654]sunxi-spinand-phy: Model:               W25N01GVZEIG
[02.659]sunxi-spinand-phy: Munufacture:         Winbond
[02.664]sunxi-spinand-phy: DieCntPerChip:       1
[02.669]sunxi-spinand-phy: BlkCntPerDie:        1024
[02.674]sunxi-spinand-phy: PageCntPerBlk:       64
[02.678]sunxi-spinand-phy: SectCntPerPage:      4
[02.682]sunxi-spinand-phy: OobSizePerPage:      64
[02.687]sunxi-spinand-phy: BadBlockFlag:        0x0
[02.692]sunxi-spinand-phy: OperationOpt:        0x7
[02.696]sunxi-spinand-phy: MaxEraseTimes:       65000
[02.701]sunxi-spinand-phy: EccFlag:             0x0
[02.706]sunxi-spinand-phy: EccType:             2
[02.710]sunxi-spinand-phy: EccProtectedType:    3
[02.714]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========================================
[02.723]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========== physical info ==========
[02.728]sunxi-spinand-phy: TotalSize:    128 M
[02.733]sunxi-spinand-phy: SectorSize:   512 B
[02.737]sunxi-spinand-phy: PageSize:     2 K
[02.741]sunxi-spinand-phy: BlockSize:    128 K
[02.745]sunxi-spinand-phy: OOBSize:      64 B
[02.749]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========================================
[02.757]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========== logical info ==========
[02.763]sunxi-spinand-phy: TotalSize:    128 M
[02.767]sunxi-spinand-phy: SectorSize:   512 B
[02.771]sunxi-spinand-phy: PageSize:     4 K
[02.775]sunxi-spinand-phy: BlockSize:    256 K
[02.779]sunxi-spinand-phy: OOBSize:      128 B
[02.784]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========================================
[02.790]sunxi-spinand-phy: W25N01GVZEIG reset rx bit width to 1
[02.795]sunxi-spinand-phy: W25N01GVZEIG reset tx bit width to 1
[02.801]sunxi-spinand-phy: set spic0 clk to 100 Mhz
[02.806]sunxi-spinand-phy: block lock register: 0x00
[02.810]sunxi-spinand-phy: feature register: 0x19
[02.815]sunxi-spinand-phy: sunxi physic nand init end
[02.819]line:703 init_clocks
[02.825]Loading Environment from SUNXI_FLASH... OK
[02.829]try to burn key
[02.831]out of usb burn from boot: not need burn key
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
sunxi work mode=0x10
run usb efex
delay time 2500
usb init ok

相同的SDK开发包, usb这部分没有修改配置, 在开发板上是好的.波形也测了, 是没有这个抖动的.

如下图有一部分模块功能完全没有用到, 所以没有连接,不知道对应的电源或者接口是不是有影响.

#3 Re: 全志 SOC » T113 USB连接PC无法识别问题. » 2023-09-27 22:54:23


&usbc0 {
        device_type = "usbc0";
        usb_port_type = <0x0>;
        usb_detect_type = <0x0>;
/*      usb_detect_mode = <0>;
        usb_id_gpio = <&pio PB 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
        usb_det_vbus_gpio = <&pio PB 9 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; */
        usb_wakeup_suspend = <0>;
        usb_serial_unique = <0>;
        usb_serial_number = "20080411";
        rndis_wceis = <1>;
        status = "okay";

#4 全志 SOC » T113 USB连接PC无法识别问题. » 2023-09-27 22:47:37

回复: 10

usb otg按照阻抗要求做了匹配.但是连接电脑无法枚举成功.
用示波器抓了下波形, 请大佬帮忙分析下是什么原因.


说明, 黄色是D+, 紫色是D-.

通过其它开发板对比, 其它板子D-在Device K Chirp阶段没有这么大的抖动. 不确定是不是这个引起的问题.



另, 不插tf卡, 可以枚举出VID 1F3A,PID EFE8. 因为没有焊接spi flash,所以暂时未测试.


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