
#1 全志 SOC » F1C100s-RTThread-Demo » 2024-10-06 13:10:11

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This project is an example based on F1C100s microcontroller. RT-Thread operating system is used here.
Gui guider and LVGL software are also used for graphic design.
You can open the project file named LVGL2RTT and extension .ebp with EmBitz software and compile and program it after connecting the F1C100 based board.Of course, it must be in boot mode.

You also need to copy phrases in the EmBitz software in the section below.
Project>Build Options>Post-Build Steps. Copy the following statements

${TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR}sunxi-fel -p spiflash-write 0x0000 ${TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR}boot.bin
${TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR}sunxi-fel -p spiflash-write 0x10000 ${TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR}LVGL2RTT.bin


#2 Re: 全志 SOC » f1c200s裸机i2c驱动GT911触摸 » 2024-03-03 14:52:42

三哥 说:


Excellent.. Thank you so much for sharing smile smile

#4 全志 SOC » jpg-guiguider-BareMetal-LVGL for F1C100s » 2024-03-02 19:33:10

回复: 0


This project is done using Licheepi nano board and guiguider software as well as BareMetal method.

The output of this project is to display the photo on the 800*480 screen.

This project is provided with the complete source as well as the bin output file.

I have programmed this project using gcc compiler in Linux.

#5 全志 SOC » setting up gt911 and i2c by BareMetal For F1C100s » 2024-03-02 13:38:48

回复: 0

Hello, my dear friends, I had a problem setting up the touchscreen with the GT 911 driver. I am doing BareMetal. Please, those who can help, send me the code sample. Thank you.

#6 Re: 易百纳技术社区 » 【易百纳】电梯物联网之梯控相机方案-防止电瓶车进电梯 » 2024-03-02 13:16:47

gryphon 说:


Hello . In order to communicate audio or video with the inside of the elevator cabin, you can use the intercoms in the building or specifically the audio panel at the door of the building.
If you want to make an audio intercom for the elevator, email me.  behroozi67iman@gmail.com


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