
#1 全志 SOC » 帮助将新板添加到我的 bsp 中吗? » 2025-02-19 22:49:05

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使用 lpi3h 想要将其添加到我的 H618 bsp 中,有一个通用的 p2 版本,但我也有 lpi3h sdk,只是想将它添加到我的 android 12 的龙眼中。有人可以提供帮助吗?

#2 Re: 全志 SOC » 全志A20 / A64 / A133 / D1 / T113-I/V83x /V85x Tina / Android 文档合集/集合,很全! » 2025-02-14 22:06:19

您好,我正在寻找 Android 12 文档。它大部分内容与 Android 10 相同吗?

#4 Re: 全志 SOC » A133 AW869C 蓝牙开启失败,请问是什么原因呢? » 2025-02-07 13:46:09

Did you figure this out I have been dealing with this with H618 Android 12 build (Apolo p2 user debug) I thought it was a config issue because it was set to Box True. But the Modules we not loaded in Make config. Had to add module the find modules.order and add AIC8800 to the modules.order still working some things out. if you are already build then look at slevated pris apps like awsettingsmanager you might m=beable to change it there or get root mount read write nano the settings xml and hack it in that way. also I had a little pwnagotchi that would never stay connected via bt and it was one mispelled word in an obscure bt file that was killing the whole thing.


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