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【ESP32视频分享1】淘宝最牛 esp32开发板使用分享 开箱教程(helloworld)
【ESP32视频分享2】Window 平台使用 Eclipse开发ESP32程序
【ESP32视频分享3】Ubuntu使用 Eclipse开发ESP32程序
【ESP32视频分享5】esp32驱动lan8720,使用官方example/ethernet ,可以dhcpc获取ip,可以ping
【ESP32视频分享8】esp-idfexamplesstorage 演示
1. 首先回顾前面两集, 搭建 Windows 开发环境 和在 Windows平台搭建Eclipse集成开发环境的视频
【ESP32视频分享1】淘宝最牛 esp32开发板使用分享 开箱教程(helloworld)
【ESP32视频分享2】Window 平台使用 Eclipse开发ESP32程序
【ESP32视频分享3】Ubuntu使用 Eclipse开发ESP32程序
2. 下载Toolchain与SDK
for 64-bit Linux:
for 32-bit Linux:
git clone https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git esp-idf-v2.1
cd esp-idf-v2.1/
git checkout v2.1
git submodule update --init --recursive
export IDF_PATH=/opt/esp-idf
export PATH=/usr/local/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/:$PATH
example/hello_world项目下执行 make menuconfig/erase_flash/flash
3. Ubuntu命令行执行#apt-get install eclipse
这个过程中安装程序会帮你把所有的依赖包括 Java运行环境都安装上去
sudo apt-get install eclipse-cdt
4. 打开elipse, 点击 File -> Import -> C/C++ -> Existing Code as Makefile Project,
找到 esp-idf 目录下面的 \examples\get-started\hello_world, 导入这个 hello_word项目,
右击项目, 在弹出的右击菜单里面选中最后一项Property.
在弹出的对话框中选择 C/C++ Build -> Environment 添加一项:
IDF_PATH ==> /opt/esp-idf/
修改PATH环境变量,添加: /usr/local/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin
C/C++ General -> Path & Symbols -> Includes -> GUN C 添加Directory:
1. 解析 【video】http://xxx.com/x.mp4【/video】 bbcode标签,转化为 html5 video标签.
2. 注册,登陆,发帖验证码
5. 编程语言着色功能, 解析
[code=c] 代码 [/code]
[code=java] 代码 [/code]
[code=shell] 代码 [/code]
6. 主页显示所有主题列表
7. 上传附件, 图片与视频
8. 社交软件登陆功能, 分享到微信,QQ,微博,fb功能
9. 手机版本
10. 积分悬赏提问, 积分结算, 积分提现(微信钱包/支付宝)功能, 打赏功能.
11. 普通用户不能修改五分钟之后的帖子. (2018-10-14 已完成)
可以看到前台大部分页面后缀名是 .html
可以播放视频了, 但是还是有bug, 调试中:
可以播放视频了, 但是还是有bug, 调试中:
可以播放视频了, 但是还是有bug, 调试中:
What is µGUI?
µGUI is a free and open source graphic library for embedded systems. It is platform-independent and can be easily ported to almost any microcontroller system. As long as the display is capable of showing graphics, µGUI is not restricted to a certain display technology. Therefore, display technologies such as LCD, TFT, E-Paper, LED or OLED are supported. The whole module consists of three files: ugui.c, ugui.h and ugui_config.h.
µGUI Features
µGUI supports any color, grayscale or monochrome display
µGUI supports any display resolution
µGUI supports multiple different displays
µGUI supports any touch screen technology (e.g. AR, PCAP)
µGUI supports windows and objects (e.g. button, textbox)
µGUI supports platform-specific hardware acceleration
16 different fonts available
cyrillic fonts supported
TrueType font converter available (https://github.com/AriZuu)
integrated and free scalable system console
basic geometric functions (e.g. line, circle, frame etc.)
can be easily ported to almost any microcontroller system
no risky dynamic memory allocation required
µGUI Requirements
µGUI is platform-independent, so there is no need to use a certain embedded system. In order to use µGUI, only two requirements are necessary:
a C-function which is able to control pixels of the target display.
integer types for the target platform have to be adjusted in ugui_config.h.
esp_idf用的是哪个commit, 用最新的esp32_webradio和esp32_bt_speaker都跑不起来
I (2318) http_client: ... socket send success
I (2689) player:: message begin
Icecast 2.4.2Tue, 05 Sep 2017 16:00:00 GMTaudio/mpegno-cacheMon, 26 Jul 1997 05:
00:00 GMTno-cache96samplerate=48000;channels=2;bitrate=9696Pop1NPO3FM0http://www
.3fm.nlI (2693) player:: header completed
dec err 0x0101 (lost synchronization)
dec err 0x0102 (reserved header layer value)
dec err 0x0235 (bad main_data_begin pointer)
I (11085) wifi: pm start, type:0
esp32_webradio不是esp-idf 2.0 release, 是比esp-idf 2.1 release 还要更新的某个commit. github里面示例esp32_webradio和esp32_bt_speaker用的是同一个esp-idf commit. 具体是那一个不是很确定。esp32_webradio示例跑不起来。
github 里面esp32_eth 更加新一些,似乎esp-idf 已经被pull update到了最近很新的某个commit
麻烦有时间验证下esp32_webradio在最新的esp-idf 下有没有问题,我这边跑起来会报错
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