
#2 Re: 全志 SOC » 全志v3s 64MB的DDR,可以运行安卓? » 2020-10-16 23:46:28


Android 4.2 Compatibility Definition

7.6. Memory and Storage
7.6.1. Minimum Memory and Storage
Device implementations MUST have at least 340MB of memory available to the kernel
and userspace. The 340MB MUST be in addition to any memory dedicated to
hardware components such as radio, video, and so on that is not under the kernel's
Device implementations MUST have at least 350MB of non-volatile storage available
for application private data. That is, the /data partition MUST be at least 350MB.
The Android APIs include a Download Manager that applications may use to download
data files [Resources, 56]. The device implementation of the Download Manager
MUST be capable of downloading individual files of at least 100MB in size to the
default "cache" location.

#3 Re: 全志 SOC » Tina3.5文档 » 2020-09-10 12:59:30



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