
#2 Re: 全志 SOC » 发现淘宝有卖F1C100S源码的 » 2020-01-16 13:49:45


#3 Re: 全志 SOC » 荔枝派nano F1C100S运行melis过程记录 » 2020-01-02 15:35:24

逸俊晨晖 说:

源码里面有个调debug等级的头文件 改成最高级


#4 Re: 全志 SOC » 荔枝派nano F1C100S运行melis过程记录 » 2020-01-02 15:34:53

duanchangstar 说:



#5 Re: 全志 SOC » 荔枝派nano F1C100S运行melis过程记录 » 2020-01-02 15:33:43

晕哥 说:

感谢分享, 不过 realview 2.2 可以替换成 mdk 了.


#7 Re: 全志 SOC » 荔枝派nano F1C100S运行melis过程记录 » 2019-12-31 09:42:08



链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aOSA4Xgu4SE8z0VbL44bTQ 提取码: r87w

#9 全志 SOC » 荔枝派nano F1C100S运行melis过程记录 » 2019-12-30 00:30:44

回复: 14


2.修改\sdk\workspace\suniv\eFex\sys_config.fex,修改打印串口为PE1 PE0

4.短路flash1, 4脚,插入usb,成功识别到设备,使用PhoenixSuit V1.10烧录

[00:08:22.773] DBG: init uart OK, running at 102000000M
[00:08:22.773] fes1 is starting
[00:08:22.773] init dram , base        is 0x80000000
[00:08:22.773] init dram , clk         is 152
[00:08:22.773] init dram , access_mode is 1
[00:08:22.773] init dram , cs_num      is 1
[00:08:22.773] init dram , ddr8_remap  is 0
[00:08:22.773] init dram , sdr_ddr     is 1
[00:08:22.773] init dram , bwidth      is 16
[00:08:22.773] init dram , col_width   is 10
[00:08:22.773] init dram , row_width   is 13
[00:08:22.773] init dram , bank_size   is 4
[00:08:22.773] init dram , cas         is 3
[00:08:22.773] init dram , size        is 0
[00:08:22.773] dram init successed,size is 32
[00:08:22.848] init dram OK, size is 32
[00:08:22.848] DBG: init heap OK, base address is 0x80000000, size is 0x00100000
[00:08:22.848] fes init dram OK, size is 32
[00:08:22.848] [      0.000]
[00:08:23.871] U-Boot 2011.09-rc1 (Sep 03 2014 - 18:01:00) Allwinner Technology 
[00:08:23.897] [      0.058]version: 1.0.0
[00:08:23.897] monitor len: 00437BD4
[00:08:23.897] [      0.095]DRAM:  32 MiB
[00:08:23.897] relocation Offset is: 01ac8000
[00:08:23.897] donn't initialize ther user_gpio (main_key:boot_init_gpio)
[00:08:23.986] workmode = 16
[00:08:23.986] read flash error
[00:08:23.986] In:    serial
[00:08:23.986] Out:   serial
[00:08:23.986] Err:   serial
[00:08:23.986] [      0.799]Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
[00:08:23.986] work mode=0x10
[00:08:23.986] run usb efex
[00:08:23.986] delay time 2500
[00:08:23.986] usb init ok
[00:08:24.625] ######################usb_efex set address 0x1b
[00:08:24.977] ######################SUNXI_EFEX_ERASE_TAG
[00:08:25.076] ######################erase_flag = 0x0
[00:08:25.076] ######################FEX_CMD_fes_verify last err=0
[00:08:25.076] the 0 mbr table is ok
[00:08:25.137] the 1 mbr table is ok
[00:08:25.137] the 2 mbr table is ok
[00:08:25.137] the 3 mbr table is ok
[00:08:25.137] do not need erase flash
[00:08:25.137] ######################SUNXI_EFEX_MBR_TAG
[00:08:25.137] ######################mbr size = 0x10000
[00:08:25.137] ######################FEX_CMD_fes_verify last err=0
[00:08:25.137] sunxi spinor is initing...
[00:08:25.137] SUNXI_CCM_CPUAHBAPB0_RATIO = 8464
[00:08:25.137] src_sel = 2    ahb1_clk_div_rate=2
[00:08:25.137] cpu_sel = 2
[00:08:25.137] core pll = 408
[00:08:25.137] spi src pll = 204
[00:08:25.137] div = 17
[00:08:25.137] spi_run_clk=14
[00:08:25.137] SUNXI_CCM_CPUAHBAPB0_RATIO = 8464
[00:08:25.170] src_sel = 2    ahb1_clk_div_rate=2
[00:08:25.170] cpu_sel = 2
[00:08:25.170] core pll = 408
[00:08:25.170] OK
[00:08:25.170] ********************
[00:08:25.170] spinor test begin...
[00:08:25.170] spinor test begin...
[00:08:25.170] ********************
[00:08:25.170] read ==============:
[00:08:25.206] buf[0] = 168,buf[1] = 0,buf[2] = 0,buf[3] = 234,buf[4] = 101,buf[5] = 71,buf[6] = 79,buf[7] = 78,######################flash sectors: 0x4000
[00:08:25.206] ######################sunxi usb efex trans finish
[00:08:25.285] spinor_datafinish
[00:08:25.302] ret=0
[00:08:25.302] ret1=0
[00:08:25.333] spinor id = 0x1840ef
[00:08:25.333] ==================================
[00:08:25.333] erase nor flash now , waiting ...
[00:08:25.333] ==================================
[00:08:51.349]  nor flash erasered finish 
[00:08:51.349] ==================================
[00:08:51.349] begin to burn , waiting ...
[00:08:51.349] ==================================
[00:08:51.349] page count=511
[00:08:51.589] page count=1023
[00:08:51.877] page count=1535
[00:08:52.196] page count=2047
[00:08:52.500] page count=2559
[00:08:52.820] page count=3071
[00:08:53.123] page count=3583
[00:08:53.427] page count=4095
[00:08:53.757] count=0 : a8  0  0 ea 65 47 4f 4e 2e 42 54 30 b7 e0  b c7 
[00:08:53.757] spinor download data ok
[00:08:53.757] ######################sunxi usb efex trans finish
[00:08:53.850] spinor_datafinish
[00:08:53.850] ret=0
[00:08:53.850] ret1=0
[00:08:53.877] ==================================
[00:08:53.877] begin to burn , waiting ...
[00:08:53.877] ==================================
[00:08:53.877] page count=511
[00:08:54.181] page count=1023
[00:08:54.500] page count=1535
[00:08:54.804] page count=2047
[00:08:55.108] page count=2559
[00:08:55.427] page count=3071
[00:08:55.731] page count=3583
[00:08:56.051] page count=4095
[00:08:56.369] count=1 : 5c 21 55 99 99 df 7b 2f 2e fa 1c 41 6d 7b ce 3b 
[00:08:56.369] spinor download data ok
[00:08:56.369] ######################sunxi usb efex trans finish
[00:08:56.464] spinor_datafinish
[00:08:56.464] ret=0
[00:08:56.464] ret1=0
[00:08:56.491] ==================================
[00:08:56.491] begin to burn , waiting ...
[00:08:56.491] ==================================
[00:08:56.491] page count=511
[00:08:56.794] page count=1023
[00:08:57.114] page count=1535
[00:08:57.418] page count=2047
[00:08:57.738] page count=2559
[00:08:58.041] page count=3071
[00:08:58.345] page count=3583
[00:08:58.665] page count=4095
[00:08:58.968] count=2 : c5 7d 4a  3 a9 29 5c 5f ef ad 88 c5  1 9f 1f d7 
[00:08:58.984] spinor download data ok
[00:08:58.984] ######################sunxi usb efex trans finish
[00:08:59.079] spinor_datafinish
[00:08:59.079] ret=0
[00:08:59.079] ret1=0
[00:08:59.106] ==================================
[00:08:59.106] begin to burn , waiting ...
[00:08:59.106] ==================================
[00:08:59.106] page count=511
[00:08:59.410] page count=1023
[00:08:59.730] page count=1535
[00:09:00.033] page count=2047
[00:09:00.337] page count=2559
[00:09:00.657] page count=3071
[00:09:00.961] page count=3583
[00:09:01.280] page count=4095
[00:09:01.609] count=3 : ab 5c 7e d3 f7 7e b2 b8 60 9f 4c 67 52 ad 31 fe 
[00:09:01.609] spinor download data ok
[00:09:01.609] spinor read: start 0x0, sector 0x800
[00:09:01.609] spinor sprite read: start 0x0, sector 0x800
[00:09:01.609] readback count=0 : a8  0  0 ea 65 47 4f 4e 2e 42 54 30 b7 e0  b c7 
[00:09:02.484]  check sum = 0xf1f91afd
[00:09:02.484] spinor read: start 0x800, sector 0x800
[00:09:02.484] spinor sprite read: start 0x800, sector 0x800
[00:09:02.484] readback count=1 : 5c 21 55 99 99 df 7b 2f 2e fa 1c 41 6d 7b ce 3b 
[00:09:03.361]  check sum = 0x730f4a99
[00:09:03.361] spinor read: start 0x1000, sector 0x800
[00:09:03.361] spinor sprite read: start 0x1000, sector 0x800
[00:09:03.361] readback count=2 : c5 7d 4a  3 a9 29 5c 5f ef ad 88 c5  1 9f 1f d7 
[00:09:04.236]  check sum = 0x1a75028e
[00:09:04.236] spinor read: start 0x1800, sector 0x800
[00:09:04.236] spinor sprite read: start 0x1800, sector 0x800
[00:09:04.236] readback count=3 : ab 5c 7e d3 f7 7e b2 b8 60 9f 4c 67 52 ad 31 fe 
[00:09:05.147]  check sum = 0x2ddbda54
[00:09:05.147] read from nor check sum = 0x2ddbda54
[00:09:05.147] ######################FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value, start 0x0, size high 0x0:low 0x400000
[00:09:05.147] ######################FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value 0x2ddbda54
[00:09:05.147] force sunxi spinor exit
[00:09:05.147] ######################sunxi_efex_next_action=2
[00:09:05.147] exit usb
[00:09:05.147] next work 2
[00:09:05.147] set next system normal


#10 Re: 全志 SOC » 全志melis系统环境搭建、打包、烧录流程 » 2019-12-26 15:21:20

九霄云外 说:

MDK 编译方式   
1、CROSSTOOL.CFG文件修改 为MDK安装目录: RVDSPATH   = "C:/Keil/ARM/ARMCC/bin"   
2、make.cfg 中LDFLAGS    := $(LDFLAGS) --elf --no_debug --output, 需要把 --elf 删除

make.cfg 在工程里面很多文件夹都有,请问这里指的是哪个路径?谢谢

#11 Re: 全志 SOC » 试一试用MDK ARMCC 编译全志官方f1c100s sdk --- melis » 2019-12-18 18:42:42



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