
#2 Re: 技术人生/软件使用技巧/破解经验/技术吐槽/灌水 » 从淘宝网购买时要小心 » 2019-12-31 10:31:55

I'm not sure if this is the thing you need, but this showed up as the first entry when I searched for "Hi3516EV200 aliexpress" on Google.

When I looked for the SDK, I found this https://dl.openipc.org/SDK/HiSilicon/Hi3516Ev200_16Ev300_18Ev300/
I haven't verified the contents, have some school deadlines to finish up.
LiteOS seems to be maintaining English version manuals for their SDKs on GitHub, might be what you want.

resources for embedded systems are truly hard to find...

my nickname is scrambled word of my original nick. it's meaningless.

#3 Re: 技术人生/软件使用技巧/破解经验/技术吐槽/灌水 » 从淘宝网购买时要小心 » 2019-12-31 01:09:22

@Mitko if you want to delete your account, you should be contacting admin@whycan.cn instead of complaining here.
I'm personally annoyed by your words.
a quick link for you:
W5500 module for 2.33 USD each, shipping fees are labeled in English, and new users get a 2 USD coupon, at least for users in US.

for the gods sake, there are W5500 modules even on the amazon!
how on earth did you learn to use google translate without learning how to google!??

#4 Re: 技术人生/软件使用技巧/破解经验/技术吐槽/灌水 » 从淘宝网购买时要小心 » 2019-12-31 00:53:24

Some friend of mine shared this topic so I registered a new account for some clarifications.
You felt deceived because you can't read Chinese. That's fine. If you don't want to admit it, that's also, fine.
This is usually the point where you should either look for other sellers, with or without visiting taobao.
However, you found this forum, used google translate just to say "you Chinese people are all liars", THAT'S where this problem becomes a problem.
You clearly shouldn't do that.
Please, change a point of view.
Yes, many of us Chinese want to make money, a lot of them, and a lot among them trick, and even deceive others to achieve this. There are historical reasons (around 100 years from today?) why this happen. So don't be aggressive, for you are not spectating the game. You are a gamer with only limited sight.
btw, you should use aliexpress instead of taobao in this case. Taobao is a Chinese-oriented market.


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