
#1 Re: 全志 SOC » F1C200S使用全志SDK,插入TF卡,然后从Nor Flash 开机 求助 » 2020-05-08 14:17:26


#2 全志 SOC » F1C200S使用全志SDK,插入TF卡,然后从Nor Flash 开机 求助 » 2020-05-07 20:03:41

回复: 4

我现在F1C200S 贴了SPI NOR FLASH ,使用全志的SDK能够正常启动。
我想做到插入TF卡,能正常从SPI Nor Flash 开机,然后TF卡作为U盘,或者/sdcard挂载到系统,



#3 Re: 全志 SOC » F1C200S 使用全志violin-F1C200s SDK 编辑的img无法启动 » 2020-04-19 18:18:39

有梦的地方 说:

烧这个固件试一试: https://whycan.cn/t_3156.html#p26794



U-Boot 2014.07 (Jul 31 2018 - 14:59:19) Allwinner Technology

uboot commit : 6604446f7bddb8fe53f2b993100929f92a5f4d6e

i2c_init: by cpux
[I2C-DEBUG]:i2c_set_clock() 354
[I2C-ERROR]:twi_send_clk_9pulse() 136 SDA is still Stuck Low, failed.
i2c_init ok
[2.783]pmbus:   ready
axp: get node[/soc/pmu0] error
axp_probe error
[2.790]PMU: cpux 408 Mhz,AXI=408 Mhz
PLL6=600 Mhz,AHB1=200 Mhz, APB1=100Mhz
DRAM:  32 MiB
[2.799]fdt addr: 0x809e7ca0
[2.801]gd->fdt_size: 0xc0e0
Relocation Offset is: 01524000
axp: get node[/soc/pmu0] error
int sunxi_dma_init---
irq enable
[2.871]flash init start
workmode = 16,storage type = 3
try card 1
[2.877][mmc]: mmc driver ver 2018-6-1 17:39:00
[2.894][mmc]: ************Try SD card 1************
[mmc]: mmc 1 cmd 8 timeout, err 100
[mmc]: smc 1 err, cmd 8,  RTO
[mmc]: mmc 1 close bus gating and reset
[mmc]: mmc 1 mmc cmd 8 err 0x00000100
[2.912][mmc]: mmc send if cond failed
[mmc]: mmc 1 cmd 55 timeout, err 100
[mmc]: smc 1 err, cmd 55,  RTO
[mmc]: mmc 1 close bus gating and reset
[mmc]: mmc 1 mmc cmd 55 err 0x00000100
[2.930][mmc]: send app cmd failed
[2.933][mmc]: ************Try MMC card 1************
[mmc]: mmc 1 cmd 1 timeout, err 100
[mmc]: smc 1 err, cmd 1,  RTO
[mmc]: mmc 1 close bus gating and reset
[mmc]: mmc 1 mmc cmd 1 err 0x00000100
[2.955][mmc]: read op condition failed
[2.958][mmc]: mmc send op cond failed
Card did not respond to voltage select!
[2.965][mmc]: ************SD/MMC 1 init error!!!************
[2.971][mmc]: mmc_init_boot: mmc int fail
[2.974][mmc]: mmc_init: mmc init fail, err -17
MMC init failed
try emmc fail
[2.981]NAND_UbootProbe start...
[2.984]NB1 : enter phy init
[2.991]nand0: get node offset error
[2.994]init nctri NAND PIORequest error!
[2.998]nand_physic_init, init nctri error
[3.002]nand_physic_init init_parameter error
[3.006]nand_physic_init error -1
[3.009]SpiNandHwInit: Start Nand Hardware initializing Jun  9 2018 19:05:34.....
[3.016]uboot: nand version: 3 6008 20180610 1300
[3.032]request spi gpio  ok!
int sunxi_dma_init---
irq enable
[3.038]uboot nand_request_tx_dma: reqest genernal dma for nand success, 0x81db8c7c
[3.045]request general tx dma channel ok!
[3.049]uboot nand_request_tx_dma: reqest genernal dma for nand success, 0x81db8c9c
[3.057]request general rx dma channel ok!
[3.060]SPI nand ID: 1840 0
[3.063]_SearchNandArchi fail
[3.065][ERR]SpiNandHwInit: SCN_AnalyzeNandSystem() failed!
[3.071]SpiNandHwInit: End Nand Hardware initializing ..... FAIL!
[3.077]NB1 : nand phy init fail
[3.079]NB1 : enter phy Exit
nand release dma:81db8c7c
nand release dma:0
sunxi dma exit
[3.088]NAND_UbootProbe end: 0xffffffff
try nand fail
flash size =0x8000 sectors
sunxi spinor is initing...int sunxi_dma_init---
irq enable
sunxi_dma_install_int ok
sunxi_dma_install_int ok
spinor id:0x1840ef
spi_freq = 40000000
spinor id is 1840ef
try nor successed
read mbr copy[0] failed
read mbr copy[1] failed
read mbr copy[2] failed
read mbr copy[3] failed
[3.121]flash init end
[3.123]try to burn key
out of usb burn from boot: not boot mode
[3.131]inter uboot shell
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
work mode=0x10
run usb efex
delay time 2500
sunxi_dma_install_int ok
usb init ok
set address 0x14
erase_flag = 0x1
FEX_CMD_fes_verify last err=0


#6 Re: NXP i.MX6UL/6ULL » i.mx6ulz批量低至20元 » 2020-04-19 16:29:34


#12 全志 SOC » F1C200S 使用全志violin-F1C200s SDK 编辑的img无法启动 » 2020-04-19 13:12:06

回复: 4

violin-F1C200s 使用16M Nor Flash
烧录Nano_flash_480272.bin  和 Nano_tf_480272.dd  都可以正常从SPI Nor Flash 和 TF卡启动
但是自己编译的 violin-F1C200s SDK 生成的 F1C200s_Linux/out/violin-F1C200s/tina_violin-F1C200s_uart0.img 却无法烧录到Nor Flash ,只要烧录就报错中断;
尝试使用全志卡量产工具将 tina_violin-F1C200s_uart0.img烧录到TF卡,结果报错如下:

[0]HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
[2]boot0 commit : 80628dcde5dc4ecdc757a9e782c58d7cf1abf959

[60]dram size =64
[62]card no is 1
[63]sdcard 1 line count 1
[65][mmc]: mmc driver ver 2018-5-23 16:07:00
[69][mmc]: mmc_get_timing_cfg: input para error!
[74][mmc]: mmc_get_timing_cfg: input para error!
[84][mmc]: Wrong media type 0x00000000
[87][mmc]: ***Try SD card 1***
[91][mmc]: mmc 1 cmd 8 timeout, err 00000100
[95][mmc]: mmc 1 cmd 8 err 00000100
[98][mmc]: mmc 1 send if cond failed
[102][mmc]: mmc 1 cmd 55 timeout, err 00000100
[106][mmc]: mmc 1 cmd 55 err 00000100
[110][mmc]: mmc 1 send app cmd failed
[113][mmc]: ***Try MMC card 1***
[120][mmc]: mmc 1 cmd 1 timeout, err 00000100
[124][mmc]: mmc 1 cmd 1 err 00000100
[128][mmc]: mmc 1 send op cond failed
[131][mmc]: mmc 1 Card did not respond to voltage select!
[136][mmc]: ***SD/MMC 1 init error!!!***
[140][mmc]: mmc 1 register failed
[143]Loading boot-pkg fail(error=2)
[146]Ready to disable icache.



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