
#3 Re: 全志 SOC » F1C100s 编译 XBOOT 详细过程 » 2020-07-02 22:11:08

ns2009驱动要怎么修改!Please!!!  正好需要,非常感谢!

#5 Re: 全志 SOC » 连续多个晚上熬夜,终于搞定F1C100S裸奔(从SPI Flash启动) » 2020-06-16 21:54:16

One more question:
How can I run the elf file directly from boot.scr settings, or is it not possible?
If there was an example, I would be very grateful.

#6 Re: 全志 SOC » 荔枝派v3s开机logo下面有打印信息输出怎么去除 » 2020-06-16 20:56:05

I've tried it several times. On sunxi u-boot a13 and lichee pi zero. The logo is not removed. What might be the problem?

#8 Re: 全志 SOC » 连续多个晚上熬夜,终于搞定F1C100S裸奔(从SPI Flash启动) » 2020-06-16 18:23:53

Hi guys, is there such a code for V3S?
Or an example of bare metal for lichee Pi Zero?


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