页次: 1
Toolchain - https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads/8-2018-q4-major
XBoot - https://github.com/xboot/xboot
Tools - https://whycan.cn/files/members/4508/tools.zip
Work directory
XBoot directory + My zip arhive
PUTTY setting
Minimal UART 0 for f1c100s...
ns2009驱动要怎么修改!Please!!! 正好需要,非常感谢!
Source code please?
One more question:How can I run the elf file directly from boot.scr settings, or is it not possible?If there was an example, I would be very grateful.
I've tried it several times. On sunxi u-boot a13 and lichee pi zero. The logo is not removed. What might be the problem?
Hi guys, is there such a code for V3S?Or an example of bare metal for lichee Pi Zero?