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I got u-boot to work on that board from the 128MB NAND following the instructions on this repo:
It can successfully recognise the NAND.
The issue is that U-BOOT uses pins PE0 and PE1 as RX and TX, instead of PA2 and PA3. This means you cannot use the onboard USB to UART converter.
Here's the NAND memory datasheet for that board (Widora tiny200 128MB NAND):
I also have the tiny200 with 128MB NAND and I ran into the same problem when trying to use sunxi-fel.
I made changes to sunxi-fel code to make sure the problem was it. I didn't get it to flash the NAND flash properly, but it can identify it correctly.
I uploaded the code to http://github.com/matheusrfdesign/sunxi-tools if anyone is interested in continuing the work.
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