
#1 Re: 全志 SOC » LRADC in V3S » 2021-06-11 19:21:07

You mean I should use evtest?

#2 全志 SOC » LRADC in V3S » 2021-06-11 15:18:41

回复: 3

Hi everyone
how can I read data from LRADC (similar to echo for gpio or pwm)?
I am looking for commands. I have changed some setting in dtsi and dts file in kernel.

#3 全志 SOC » WiFi access point for lichee pi zero » 2021-04-23 16:28:09

回复: 0

does anyone have documents or principles to let lichee zero works as an access point?

#4 全志 SOC » usb camera » 2021-04-08 20:59:55

回复: 4

Hi everyone
I want to connect usb camera to lichee pi zero. But I have some problem in recognizing driver of USB camera. its name is lihappe8 USB camera and it is not shown by lsusb. even in kernel config., I didn't find any related device driver. what should I do?
please help

#5 全志 SOC » wifi and usb config. in buildroot for f1c100s » 2021-03-18 18:25:36

回复: 0

Hello everyone.
I am a bit newbie.
Does anyone know about what configuration and libraries I should choose in buildroot for lichee pi nano?
or does anyone have any tutorial link for this?
Thanks for sharing your opinion


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