
#1 Re: SigmaStar/SSD201/SSD202/SSD212 » Is SSC336Q, SSC338Q and SSC339Q supported ONVIF profiles S, G and T? » 2021-04-16 15:17:02

No, actually I don't have any detailed manual for SSC338Q and SSC339G.

Somehow I got the datasheet of the SSC336Q, but there is no information has been mentioned about ONVIF and its profile.

If anyone has idea, then please let me know.
Which ONVIF profiles are supported in the which SoCs?

#2 SigmaStar/SSD201/SSD202/SSD212 » Is SSC336Q, SSC338Q and SSC339Q supported ONVIF profiles S, G and T? » 2021-04-15 18:16:59

回复: 4

Hi All,

Is SIgmaStar SSC336Q/338Q/339Q SDK supported ONVIF profile S, G and T?

What is maximum zoom supported in the SSC336Q/338Q/339Q?

Is SSC336Q/338Q/339Q supported auto focus feature?

Please share your suggestions.


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