
#1 Re: Openwrt/LEDE/AR9331/MT7688/RT5350 » MT7621+MT7612E+MT7603E 原理图+PCB » 2021-10-02 23:43:47

p3rtinax 说:

thank you,

can you please tell me how to open the PCb file?
is it Mentor Graphics? or E-PADs?
what program should I use?


#2 Re: Openwrt/LEDE/AR9331/MT7688/RT5350 » MT7621+MT7612E+MT7603E 原理图+PCB » 2021-10-01 22:20:22

thank you,

can you please tell me how to open the PCb file?
is it Mentor Graphics? or E-PADs?
what program should I use?


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