
#3 Re: 全志 SOC » V3s使用gstreamer的插件openmax调用cedar硬解码,荔枝派zero测试通过 » 2022-12-09 15:48:03

贴出比较完成的日志 :

Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
INFO   : cedarc <VeInitialize:1307>: *** ic_version = 0x1301000010210,
INFO   : cedarc <VeRelease:1476>: not malloc locks

INFO   : cedarc <VeInitialize:1307>: *** ic_version = 0x1301000010210,
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
ERROR  : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat:348>: erro: pParamData->nIndex[1] > m_sPortFormatType.nIndex[0]
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1574>: 1117 get local path: /usr/lib/
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_aacdec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_alacdec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_amrdec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_apedec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_atrcdec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_cookdec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_dsddec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_flacdec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_g729dec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_mp3dec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_oggdec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_opusdec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_radec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_siprdec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_wavdec.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawavs.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:76>: register avs decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawavs2.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:73>: register avs2 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawh264.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:79>: register h264 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawh265.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:85>: register h265 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmjpeg.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:84>: register mjpeg decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmjpegplus.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:89>: register mjpegplus decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg2.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:86>: register mpeg2 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4base.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4dx.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:92>: register mpeg4dx decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4h263.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:79>: register mpeg4H263 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4normal.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:90>: register mpeg4Normal decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4vp6.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:76>: register Mpeg4Vp6 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawrecorder.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawvp8.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:73>: register vp8 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawvp9Hw.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:104>: register Vp9Hw decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawvp9HwAL.so 
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawwmv3.so 
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:74>: register vc1 decoder success!
INFO   : cedarc <log_set_level:43>: Set log level to 0 from /vendor/etc/cedarc.conf
ERROR  : cedarc <DebugCheckConfig:301>: now cedarc log level:0
INFO   : cedarc <CreateVideoDecoder:332>: CreateVideoDecoder p:0xb3b0d218
DEBUG  : ionAlloc <__GetIonMemOpsS:856>: *** get __GetIonMemOpsS ***
DEBUG  : cedarc <LogVersionInfo:40>: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cedar Codec <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
tag   : CedarC-v1.3.0
branch: master
commit: d46e6ce979dd9d6cd232ec4df7ccca118349cd6b
date  : Fri Nov 13 10:19:03 2020 +0800
author: houxiaoni
patch : 

DEBUG  : cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:439>: *** pVconfig->nVeFreq = 0
DEBUG  : cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:501>: user not set veops, we get internal!
VERBOSE: cedarc <VeInitialize:1253>: ve init

VERBOSE: cedarc <VeInitialize:1263>: *****************gVeEnvironmentInfo.nVeRefCount = 1
VERBOSE: cedarc <getIcVersion:1053>: the get dec_ip_version:00013010

VERBOSE: cedarc <getIcVersion:1071>: the get enc_ip_version:00010210

VERBOSE: cedarc <getIcVersion:1090>: the get enc_dec_ip_version:1301000010210, gVeEnvironmentInfo.address_macc:b6442000

VERBOSE: cedarc <getSocIdString:1132>: soc id string:00000000
VERBOSE: cedarc <getSocInfo:1169>: policy index:40 size:42 soc id:32
INFO   : cedarc <VeInitialize:1307>: *** ic_version = 0x1301000010210,
DEBUG  : cedarc <VeInitialize:1347>: *** nPhyOffset = 0x0
DEBUG  : cedarc <VeSetSpeed:1809>: *** set ve freq to 576 Mhz ***
VERBOSE: cedarc <VeInitialize:1415>: ve init ok

DEBUG  : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open2:164>: ion context already create, ref_count:2

VERBOSE: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:544>: Video Stream Information:
VERBOSE: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:546>:      codec          = H264
VERBOSE: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:547>:      width          = 512 pixels
VERBOSE: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:548>:      height         = 384 pixels
VERBOSE: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:549>:      frame rate     = 0
VERBOSE: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:550>:      frame duration = 0 us
VERBOSE: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:551>:      aspect ratio   = 0
VERBOSE: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:552>:      is 3D stream   = no
VERBOSE: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:553>:      csd data len   = 0
VERBOSE: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:554>:      bIsFrameCtsTestFlag  = 0
WARNING: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:602>: warning: the nDeInterlaceHoldingFrameBufferNum is 0
WARNING: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:611>: warning: the nDisplayHoldingFrameBufferNum is 0
DEBUG  : cedarc <DecideStreamBufferSize:2147>: nBufferSize=2097152, p->vconfig.nVbvBufferSize=0

DEBUG  : cedarc <VideoEngineCreate:333>: *** pEngine->nIcVeVersion = 1301000010210, decIpVersion = 13010
VERBOSE: cedarc <checkQualification:226>: check, chipId=32, nFrameRate=0, nWidth=512, nHeight=384
VERBOSE: cedarc <CreateSpecificDecoder:1133>: Create decoder '115:h264'
DEBUG  : cedarc <VideoEngineCreate:397>: **************eCtlAfcbMode = 0
VERBOSE: cedarc <SetAfbcParam:160>: *************SetAfbcParam  pEngine->ndecIpVersion=13010

DEBUG  : cedarc <H264DecoderInit:240>:  get the nIcversion = 1301000010210, nDecIpVersion = 13010
DEBUG  : cedarc <GetSbmInterface:1755>: *********GetSbmInterface, nType=4

DEBUG  : cedarc <GetSbmInterfaceFrame:1712>: ******* sbm-type: Frame*******
DEBUG  : cedarc <SbmFrameInit:196>: ************pSbm->sbmInterface.bUseNewVeMemoryProgram=0

VERBOSE: ionAlloc <ion_alloc_palloc_base:373>: ion alloc fd:7 size:2097152 heap:1, falgs:3
VERBOSE: ionAlloc <ion_alloc_palloc_base:413>: alloc succeed, addr_phy: 0x100000, addr_vir: 0xb2bb4000, size: 2097152
DEBUG  : cedarc <CdcMessageQueueCreate:51>: nMessageSize = 20
DEBUG  : cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:739>: 0

DEBUG  : cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:740>: pts=0

DEBUG  : cedarc <BSSinkWriteBS:62>: save bitstream size:0
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <onMessageReceived:749>: onMessageReceived, cmd:AW_OMX_MSG_EMPTY_BUF
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <doEmptyThisBuffer:51>: nTimeStamp[167000], nAllocLen[6291456], nFilledLen[26],nOffset[0], nFlags[0x10], nOutputPortIndex[-2], nInputPortIndex[0],mPort->m_sBufList.nSizeOfList:2
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:submitDataSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <onMessageReceived:749>: onMessageReceived, cmd:AW_OMX_MSG_FILL_BUF
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDecodeSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepSubmitSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDrainSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <onMessageReceived:749>: onMessageReceived, cmd:AW_OMX_MSG_FILL_BUF
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDecodeSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepSubmitSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDrainSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <onMessageReceived:749>: onMessageReceived, cmd:AW_OMX_MSG_FILL_BUF
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDecodeSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepSubmitSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDrainSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <onMessageReceived:749>: onMessageReceived, cmd:AW_OMX_MSG_FILL_BUF
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDecodeSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepSubmitSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDrainSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <onMessageReceived:749>: onMessageReceived, cmd:AW_OMX_MSG_START
DEBUG  : omx_vdec <onMessageReceived:805>: ********start***********
DEBUG  : omx_thread <createThread:123>: +++++ self->mThread: 2990220400
DEBUG  : omx_thread <OmxThread_Run:151>: thread submit start to run!
DEBUG  : omx_thread <createThread:123>: +++++ self->mThread: 2981827696
DEBUG  : omx_thread <OmxThread_Run:151>: thread decode start to run!
DEBUG  : omx_thread <createThread:123>: +++++ self->mThread: 2973434992
DEBUG  : omx_thread <OmxThread_Run:151>: thread drain start to run!
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDecodeSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepSubmitSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDrainSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <liGetVideoFbmBufInfo:309>: pFbmBufInfo = NULL, m_decoder(0xb3b0d218)
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDecodeSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepSubmitSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:123>: Be careful, sem:keepDrainSem, sema frame_output[1]!=0
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <submitThreadEntry:993>: gqy****difffNum :0
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <__liSubmit:1174>: OmxCopyInputDataToDecoder()
INFO   : cedarc <RequestVideoStreamBuffer:1243>: RequestVideoStreamBuffer, pDecoder=0xb3b0d218, nRequireSize=715, nStreamBufIndex=0
VERBOSE: cedarc <requestStream:1134>: nUnReadFrameNum == 0.
INFO   : cedarc <SubmitVideoStreamData:1403>: Submit, pDecoder=0xb3b0d218, pDataInfo=0xb23b1d68, Index=0, len = 715, pts = 33000
VERBOSE: cedarc <VeFlushCache:1993>: the_flush, start:0xb2bb4000, end:ffffffffb2bb42cb, size:2cb(715)

DEBUG  : cedarc <DebugSaveBitStream:1353>: lenth=715

DEBUG  : cedarc <DebugSaveBitStream:1354>: pts=33000

VERBOSE: cedarc <DebugSaveBitStream:1360>: 0xb2bb4000, 0xb2bb4000, 0xb2db3fff, 2097152
DEBUG  : cedarc <BSSinkWriteBS:62>: save bitstream size:715
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <doSubmit:954>: gqy*****input num:1
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <submitThreadEntry:993>: gqy****difffNum :1
VERBOSE: omx_vdec_aw <__liSubmit:1174>: OmxCopyInputDataToDecoder()
INFO   : cedarc <RequestVideoStreamBuffer:1243>: RequestVideoStreamBuffer, pDecoder=0xb3b0d218, nRequireSize=26, nStreamBufIndex=0
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecEmptyThisBuffer:1788>: ***emptyThisBuffer: pts = 67000 , videoFormat = 7, pBufferHdr = 0x20fd330, len= 23
INFO   : cedarc <SubmitVideoStreamData:1403>: Submit, pDecoder=0xb3b0d218, pDataInfo=0xb23b1d68, Index=0, len = 26, pts = 167000
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <onMessageReceived:749>: onMessageReceived, cmd:AW_OMX_MSG_EMPTY_BUF
VERBOSE: omx_vdec <doEmptyThisBuffer:51>: nTimeStamp[67000], nAllocLen[6291456], nFilledLen[23],nOffset[0], nFlags[0x10], nOutputPortIndex[-2], nInputPortIndex[0],mPort->m_sBufList.nSizeOfList:1

#4 Re: 全志 SOC » V3s使用gstreamer的插件openmax调用cedar硬解码,荔枝派zero测试通过 » 2022-12-09 15:40:46

WARNING: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:602>: warning: the nDeInterlaceHoldingFrameBufferNum is 0
WARNING: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:611>: warning: the nDisplayHoldingFrameBufferNum is 0
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail.
INFO   : cedarc <ValidPictureNum:1801>: Fbm module of video stream 0 not create yet, ValidPictureNum() fail

#5 Re: 全志 SOC » V3s使用gstreamer的插件openmax调用cedar硬解码,荔枝派zero测试通过 » 2022-12-07 14:22:09

请问 ERROR  : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat:290>: erro: pParamData->nIndex > m_sPortFormatType.nIndex

#6 Re: 全志 SOC » F1C200s主线gstreamer使用openmax调用cedar硬解码 » 2022-12-07 14:16:15

请问楼主 ERROR  : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat:290>: erro: pParamData->nIndex > m_sPortFormatType.nIndex
出现这个的原因是什么 ? 是颜色空间没加吗?

#7 Re: 全志 SOC » V3s使用gstreamer的插件openmax调用cedar硬解码,荔枝派zero测试通过 » 2022-12-07 14:15:57

请问楼主 ERROR  : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat:290>: erro: pParamData->nIndex > m_sPortFormatType.nIndex
出现这个的原因是什么 ? 是颜色空间没加吗?

#8 Re: 全志 SOC » V3s使用gstreamer的插件openmax调用cedar硬解码,荔枝派zero测试通过 » 2022-12-01 14:58:00


c ! autovideoconvert ! fbdevsinkn=MVI_0935.MP4 ! qtdemux ! h264parse ! omxh264dec
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
INFO   : cedarc <VeInitialize:1307>: *** ic_version = 0x1301000010210,
[ 1979.205343] VE: VE real_freq=576000000
[ 1979.205343]
INFO   : cedarc <VeRelease:1476>: not malloc locks

INFO   : cedarc <VeInitialize:1307>: *** ic_version = 0x1301000010210,
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
ERROR  : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat:348>: erro: pParamData->nIndex[1] > m_sPortFormatType.nIndex[0]
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1574>: 1117 get local path: /usr/lib/
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_aacdec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_alacdec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_amrdec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_apedec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_atrcdec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_cookdec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_dsddec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_flacdec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_g729dec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit[ 1979.451990] VE: VE real_freq=576000000
[ 1979.451990]
not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_mp3dec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_oggdec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_opusdec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_radec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_siprdec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libaw_wavdec.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawavs.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:76>: register avs decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawavs2.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:73>: register avs2 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawh264.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:79>: register h264 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawh265.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:85>: register h265 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmjpeg.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:84>: register mjpeg decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmjpegplus.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:89>: register mjpegplus decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg2.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:86>: register mpeg2 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4base.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1424>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4dx.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:92>: register mpeg4dx decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4h263.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:79>: register mpeg4H263 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4normal.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:90>: register mpeg4Normal decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4vp6.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:76>: register Mpeg4Vp6 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawrecorder.so
ERROR  : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1417>: dlopen '/usr/lib/libawrecorder.so' fail: libcrypto.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawvp8.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:73>: register vp8 decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawvp9Hw.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:104>: register Vp9Hw decoder success!
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawvp9HwAL.so
WARNING: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1584>:  1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawwmv3.so
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:74>: register vc1 decoder success!
INFO   : cedarc <log_set_level:43>: Set log level to 5 from /vendor/etc/cedarc.conf
ERROR  : cedarc <DebugCheckConfig:301>: now cedarc log level:5
WARNING: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:602>: warning: the nDeInterlaceHoldingFrameBufferNum is 0
WARNING: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:611>: warning: the nDisplayHoldingFrameBufferNum is 0
Pipeline is PREROLLED ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstSystemClock

#9 Re: 全志 SOC » V3s使用gstreamer的插件openmax调用cedar硬解码,荔枝派zero测试通过 » 2022-12-01 14:52:09

楼主 请问解码时这是什么问题;
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
INFO   : cedarc <VeInitialize:1307>: *** ic_version = 0x1301000010210,
[ 1551.343311] VE: VE real_freq=576000000
[ 1551.343311]
INFO   : cedarc <VeRelease:1476>: not malloc locks

INFO   : cedarc <VeInitialize:1307>: *** ic_version = 0x1301000010210,
ERROR: Pipeline doesn't want to pause.
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstFileSrc:filesrc0: Resource not found.
Additional debug info:
gstfilesrc.c(533): gst_file_src_start (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstFileSrc:filesrc0:
No such file "bad_apple.mp4"
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
#0  0xb6c9e894 in __libc_do_syscall () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0xb6c96384 in pthread_join () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xb628173e in __AwOmxVdecComponentDeinit (hComponent=0x196e970)
#3  0xb63491da in AwOmxComponentDeinit (pHComp=0x196e970)
#4  0xb634a384 in OMX_FreeHandle (hComp=0x196e970) at aw_omx_core.c:467
#5  0xb6696010 in ?? () from /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/libgstomx.so
Spinning.  Please run 'gdb gst-launch-1.0 9200' to continue debugging, Ctrl-C to quit, or Ctrl-\ to dump core.

#10 Re: VMWare/Linux/Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS/U-BOOT » linux解决SOC与FPGA(SDIO)接口通信问题,大佬们求助求助!!!!!!!!!!!!! » 2022-04-14 14:53:31

结束莫 说:




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