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Yes, it's works with R61520 but some colors are saturated with grain. On img from @geekchun all colors are fine with no issues. Also when I use uboot from @geekchun img and my kernel, colors also are fine.
On uboot from https://github.com/steward-fu/q8 also same colors issues saturated with grain
Thank you very much.
Do you have also uboot sources used in this img, or diff (patch) with fix video?
I'm working on open source cfw for q8 and sup m3 console basing on miyoo cfw, everything's works fine (keymap, volume control) except video problem with q8.
Here is the kernel source on which I'm working: https://github.com/tiopex/kernel
@geekchun this link with modified steward source for q8 LCD has expired https://pan.baidu.com/s/19snjAws6KQ8AXpDDyKzs_g
Could you reupload these sources?
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