
#1 全志 SOC » Can't establish ssh connection between f1c200s and my laptop » 2022-07-01 04:33:28

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I’m trying to establish an ssh connection between f1c200s and my laptop. In f1c200s I used g_ether module and configured usb otg as ethernet and gave it a static ip


And connected the usb otg to my laptop and gave it a static ip


When trying to ping the address it successfully pings.


But when I try to use ssh it asks for password. Initially I didn’t have any password on the linux image on my f1c200s but I assigned one as one of the solutions I did.


What I did to try to solve the problem 
1.    Assigned a password to root
2.    Changed configuration on /etc/ssh/sshd_config
       a.    PasswordAuthentication yes
       b.    ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
       c.    PermitRootLogin yes

Non of these solution have worked for my and I don’t understand why. It still give me permission denied error no matter what password I put.


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