
楼主 # 昨天 21:43:28

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RT-Thread on Allwinner D1H. LCD work, USB in progress.

Hi all,

I successfully build and ran RT-Thread (a small embedded OS) on the RISC-V Allwinner D1H SoC.
Experimenting on ClockworkPi DevTerm R-01 device and Sipeed Lichee RV board.

Intention was to make RT-Thread portable terminal with a working display and keyboard.

I manage to:

  • Create a working LCD MIPI DSI Display driver with frame buffer.

  • Create a working LCD RGB Display driver with frame buffer.

  • Make some progress on a USB keyboard driver.

  • Boot from SD card and communicate via UART

  • Debugging with GDB

The code is available at: https://github.com/ylyamin/RT-Thread-on-Allwinner-D1H

If you enjoy brainteaser and some low-level stuff, you’re welcome.
Should say: it's not truly low-level bare-metal from ground as RT-Thread operates with threads and events and the HAL level is quite complex. But it is easier to manage compared to working within the Linux kernel - at least for me, as I'm not an expert in Linux. RT-Thread has great potential, as it supports many packages for GUI, audio, Ethernet, and more.

Ready images for SD card:

Please note: The DevTerm/uConsole battery charging/discharging controller is not yet configured in the driver, so I’m unsure how it affects the battery. I suggest not using the battery with RT-Thread and powering it via USB instead.

I’m writing a series of articles covering the knowledge and experience I’ve gained:

Finally, I dare to ask for help from the community, please:

I’m really stuck with the USB driver. It can detect device connections, but communication has not started.<br>
Perhaps someone would enjoy diving deep into the USB driver to solve this riddle. Ready for issue reports and pull requests.

Picture of LCD Display test in RT-Thread running on Devterm R-01:

最近编辑记录 ylyamin (昨天 22:17:07)


#1 今天 08:55:09

注册时间: 2021-12-21
已发帖子: 123
积分: 58

Re: RT-Thread on Allwinner D1H. LCD work, USB in progress.

USB is really hard to tune



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