Hi all,
I successfully build and ran RT-Thread (a small embedded OS) on the RISC-V Allwinner D1H SoC.
Experimenting on ClockworkPi DevTerm R-01 device and Sipeed Lichee RV board.
Intention was to make RT-Thread portable terminal with a working display and keyboard.
I manage to:
Create a working LCD MIPI DSI Display driver with frame buffer.
Create a working LCD RGB Display driver with frame buffer.
Make some progress on a USB keyboard driver.
Boot from SD card and communicate via UART
Debugging with GDB
The code is available at: https://github.com/ylyamin/RT-Thread-on-Allwinner-D1H
If you enjoy brainteaser and some low-level stuff, you’re welcome.
Should say: it's not truly low-level bare-metal from ground as RT-Thread operates with threads and events and the HAL level is quite complex. But it is easier to manage compared to working within the Linux kernel - at least for me, as I'm not an expert in Linux. RT-Thread has great potential, as it supports many packages for GUI, audio, Ethernet, and more.
Ready images for SD card:
DevTerm R01: sd_image_devterm.img
uConsole R01: sd_image_uconsole.img (not tested yet)
Sipeed Lichee RV: sd_image_lichee.img
Please note: The DevTerm/uConsole battery charging/discharging controller is not yet configured in the driver, so I’m unsure how it affects the battery. I suggest not using the battery with RT-Thread and powering it via USB instead.
I’m writing a series of articles covering the knowledge and experience I’ve gained:
D1-1. Introduction - Motivation and intention.
D1-2. Boot process - Existing Allwinner D1H bootloaders best practice in example with booting Linux and RT-Thread, also JTAG and GDB.
D1-3. RT-Thread overview and Build - Overview of RT-Thread structure and libraries. Compile RT-Thread for Allwinner D1H platform.
D1-4. Makefile and Hardware changes - My repository structure, Makefile and Hardware changes was needed to be done.
D1-5. LCD Display driver - Display driver for DevTerm R-01, uConsole R-01 and Sipeed Lichee RV.
D1-6. USB Keyboard - USB Keyboard driver for ClockworkPi DevTerm, still not working.
Finally, I dare to ask for help from the community, please:
I’m really stuck with the USB driver. It can detect device connections, but communication has not started.<br>
Perhaps someone would enjoy diving deep into the USB driver to solve this riddle. Ready for issue reports and pull requests.
Picture of LCD Display test in RT-Thread running on Devterm R-01:
最近编辑记录 ylyamin (2024-10-18 17:41:38)
@jusentari made Clockworkpi uConsole R-01 display work in RTT (experimental display parameters, use with caution).
最近编辑记录 ylyamin (2024-10-22 17:31:17)
Hi, thanks for your involvement,
Actually I was port CherryUSB already in folder rt-thread/bsp/allwinner/d1s_d1h/packages/CherryUSB/.
Cherry USB do switch from EHCI to OHCI companion controller when I connect USB device but in Cherry USB - OHCI transfer functions is not implemented.
Because of that I switch to TinyUSB in folder rt-thread/bsp/allwinner/d1s_d1h/packages/TinyUSB/
However, it did not reach the point when OHCI started to work in TinyUSB.
More info at D1-6. USB Keyboard
最近编辑记录 ylyamin (2024-10-26 00:06:50)
Hi all,
User @zoenggit found this discussion isuue in TinyUSB. Where user @robots created repo for Allwinner T113 chip. Is ARM core but peripherals looks absolutely the same as D1H RISC-V.
Is repo is bare metal experiments with T113 and FreeRTOS also contains Doom. So author decide to deactivate USB EHCI and use only OHCI. Also for USB descriptors used memory section with direct mapping.
I try to do the same:
1. Deactivate EHCI:
volatile uint32_t *portsc = (uint32_t * ) (EHCI1_BASE + 0x054); //E_PORTSC
*portsc |= BV(13);
2. Add few places to clear/invalidate caches, in rt-thread/bsp/allwinner/d1s_d1h/packages/TinyUSB/src/portable/ohci/ohci.c:
static void gtd_init(ohci_gtd_t* p_td, uint8_t* data_ptr, uint16_t total_bytes)
rt_hw_cpu_dcache_clean_and_invalidate_local(data_ptr, total_bytes);
3. Define DMA memory section:
SRAM : ORIGIN = 0x40300000, LENGTH = 4M
DMA : ORIGIN = 0x40700000, LENGTH = 16M
HEAP : ORIGIN = 0x41700000, LENGTH = 16M
.usb :
. = ALIGN(4);
} > DMA
Init MMU with different sections in rt-thread/bsp/allwinner/d1s_d1h/board/board.c:
struct mem_desc platform_mem_desc[] = {
{0x1000, 0x3ffff000 - 1, (rt_size_t)ARCH_MAP_FAILED, DEVICE_MEM}, //IO
{0x40700000, 0x40700000 + 0x1000000 - 1, (rt_size_t)ARCH_MAP_FAILED, DEVICE_MEM}, //DMA
{0x41700000, 0x40700000 + 0x4000000 - 1, (rt_size_t)ARCH_MAP_FAILED, NORMAL_MEM}, //HEAP + HW PAGE
CFG_TUSB_MEM_SECTION TU_ATTR_ALIGNED(256) static ohci_data_t ohci_data;
Run board.
Looks like USB device start to do something new, but all data transfers did not produce any results, all of it STALLED or FAULT:
[0:0] Open EP0 with Size = 8
Get 8 byte of Device Descriptor
[0:0] Get Descriptor: 80 06 00 01 00 00 08 00
on EP 00 with 8 bytes
on EP 80 with 8 bytes
[0:0] Control STALLED, xferred_bytes = 8
[0:0] Get Descriptor: 80 06 00 03 D0 03 08 00
on EP 00 with 8 bytes
on EP 80 with 8 bytes
[0:0] Control STALLED, xferred_bytes = 8
[0:0] Get Descriptor: 80 06 00 02 18 08 08 00
on EP 00 with 8 bytes
on EP 80 with 8 bytes
[0:0] Control STALLED, xferred_bytes = 8
[0:0] Get Descriptor: 80 06 00 02 58 0C 08 00
on EP 00 with 8 bytes
on EP 00 with 4294964828 bytes
Set Address = 1
[0:0] Set Address: 00 05 01 00 00 00 00 00
on EP 00 with 0 bytes
[0:0] Control STALLED, xferred_bytes = 0
[0:0] Set Address: 00 05 01 02 00 00 00 00
on EP 00 with 0 bytes
on EP 00 with 2088 bytes
[0:0] Get Descriptor: 80 06 00 01 00 00 12 00
on EP 00 with 8 bytes
[0:1] Control FAILED, xferred_bytes = 8
So did not lead to success with USB again.
Need to dive deeper into EHCI/OHCI, maybe some one can advice please ?
UPD: I managed to do USB working.
Thanks, user Zoenggit for the tip. Found a hand-made ham radio transceiver project from one guru guy, it has a proper implementation of EHCI/OHCI stack for Allwinner D1/T113 hftrx_tinyusb. I just changed it a little to support RT-Thread.
Now USB keyboard sends a key press to the system.
HID device address = 2, instance = 0 is mounted
HID Interface Protocol = None
HID has 4 reports
msh />