
楼主 #1 2019-06-17 00:16:39

注册时间: 2019-06-15
已发帖子: 96
积分: 31

F1C100S modify OpenWRT to make 16M flash image instead of SDcard image

After some struggle i managed to get a working toolchain for F1C100S on OSX, thanks to the help and suggestions of Quotation, Mango and 晕哥 https://whycan.cn/t_2571.html#p20276, OpenWRT is also building and working fine, however there is stil a problem with it: this version was adjusted to create an SD card image instead of a flash image. It is a problem with the F1C100S since the wifi uses the SDIO interface so using an SD card to store OpenWRT and filesystem prevent wifi connectivity, which is really a problem in my opinion especially if you need to debug from an IDE (Eclipse or QT Editor) since network access is required.

The OpenWRT i use has been made by Qin Fengling and can be found here https://github.com/qinfengling/openwrt/tree/licheepi-nano some tweaking was required to get it working on OSX, i will detail these in new subject (step-by-step instruction to get everything working on OSX), once this image generation problem is fixed.

I checked the sources an found the SD card image generation is done by at least the makefile and the script gen_sunxi_sdcard_img.sh which can be found here : https://github.com/qinfengling/openwrt/tree/licheepi-nano/target/linux/sunxi/image, i am not sure if any other files are involved (.dts?). When i asked Qin Fengling about adjusting this OpenWRT to generate flash image instead he told i have to make a profile :

You need to add your own profile, if you want to support 16MB Flash, you can find some reference in the code:


I am not sure on how to remake a profile from scratch, i have worked on another target for a specific application (MT7628) and it generates a 16MB flash image which is what i need here for the F1C100S, i checked definition of this target, i am not sure i can just modify these files to make the F1C100S profile.

Does anyone know what steps should be taken to either adjust the current target profile for making 16MB flash image, or tailor another existing profile already generating 16MB flash image to the curent F1C00S target?
Thank you.



我检查了来源,发现SD卡图像生成至少由makefile和脚本gen_sunxi_sdcard_img.sh完成,可以在这里找到:https://github.com/qinfengling/openwrt/tree/licheepi-nano/target/linux/sunxi/image,我不确定是否涉及其他文件(.dts?)当我问秦凤玲如何调整这个openwrt来生成flash image时,他告诉我必须做一个配置文件:





最近编辑记录 hoel (2019-06-17 00:51:04)


楼主 #2 2019-06-17 01:23:56

注册时间: 2019-06-15
已发帖子: 96
积分: 31

Re: F1C100S modify OpenWRT to make 16M flash image instead of SDcard image

i presume the modification involve doing something along these lines :

dd if=/dev/zero of=flashimg.bin bs=1M count=16 &&\
dd if=$YOUR_UBOOT_FILE of=flashimg.bin bs=1K conv=notrunc &&\
dd if=$YOUR_DTB_FILE of=flashimg.bin bs=1K seek=1024  conv=notrunc &&\
dd if=$YOUR_KERNEL_FILE of=flashimg.bin bs=1K seek=1088  conv=notrunc &&\
mkdir rootfs
tar -xzvf $YOUR_ROOTFS_FILE -C ./rootfs &&\
cp -r $YOUR_MOD_FILE  rootfs/lib/modules/ &&\
# 为根文件系统制作jffs2镜像包
# --pad参数指定 jffs2大小
# 由此计算得到 0x1000000(16M)-0x10000(64K)-0x100000(1M)-0x400000(4M)=0xAF0000
mkfs.jffs2 -s 0x100 -e 0x10000 --pad=0xAF0000 -d rootfs/ -o jffs2.img &&\
dd if=jffs2.img of=$YOUR_IMG_FILE  bs=1K seek=5184  conv=notrunc &&\

but not sure how to achieve this, when i check the target bin directory there is nothing else that the SD card image:

hoel@iMac-de-Hoel-7 /Volumes/arm-linux-toolchain/openwrt/bin/targets/sunxi/arm9 (licheepi-nano *=) $ ls

No file for any of these:


i found some u-boot image here :

hoel@iMac-de-Hoel-7 /Volumes/arm-linux-toolchain/openwrt/build_dir/target-arm_arm926ej-s_musl_eabi/u-boot-licheepi_nano/u-boot-2017.11 (licheepi-nano *=) $ ls
Documentation			arch				dts				snapshot.commit			u-boot.bin
Kbuild				board				env				spl				u-boot.cfg
Kconfig				cmd				examples			test				u-boot.cfg.configs
Licenses			common				fs				tools				u-boot.dtb
MAINTAINERS			config.mk			include				u-boot				u-boot.img
Makefile			configs				lib				u-boot-dtb.bin			u-boot.lds
README				disk				net				u-boot-dtb.img			u-boot.map
System.map			doc				post				u-boot-nodtb.bin		u-boot.srec
api				drivers				scripts				u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin	u-boot.sym

and some other images here, which seem to be related to kernel / rootfs:

hoel@iMac-de-Hoel-7 /Volumes/arm-linux-toolchain/openwrt/build_dir/target-arm_arm926ej-s_musl_eabi/linux-sunxi_arm9 (licheepi-nano *=) $ ls
backports-2017-11-01			linux-atm-2.5.2				root.ext4				vmlinux
base-files				mtd					root.squashfs				vmlinux.debug
iptables-1.6.2				opkg-2017-12-07-3b417b9f		suniv-f1c100s-licheepi-nano-kernel.bin	vmlinux.elf
linux-4.14.63				packages				tmp					zImage

最近编辑记录 hoel (2019-06-17 01:32:32)


楼主 #3 2019-06-17 07:27:56

注册时间: 2019-06-15
已发帖子: 96
积分: 31

Re: F1C100S modify OpenWRT to make 16M flash image instead of SDcard image

Also a .dtb file here :

hoel@iMac-de-Hoel-7 /Volumes/arm-linux-toolchain/openwrt/build_dir/target-arm_arm926ej-s_musl_eabi/linux-sunxi_arm9/linux-4.14.63/arch/arm/boot/dts (licheepi-nano *=) $ find *.dtb

not sure if it is the right one tho.

One concern is that there is no jffs2 option when i check in OpenWRT menuconfig:



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