
楼主 #1 2020-09-04 21:51:41

注册时间: 2018-08-29
已发帖子: 151
积分: 137.5


如题 在搞stm32里会有很多描述符可以修改的 部分字符串描述符 就是usb设备显示出来的名字
那么linux弄出来的usb gadget怎么修改呢


楼主 #3 2020-09-05 09:34:51

注册时间: 2018-08-29
已发帖子: 151
积分: 137.5

Re: 如何修改f1c100s主线弄出来的那个usb虚拟串口的设备名?

根据楼上说的 我找了下文档发现确实是可以这样做 有空再测试一下


To load the USB device controller driver and the printer gadget driver. The
following example uses the Netchip 2280 USB device controller driver:

modprobe net2280
modprobe g_printer

The follow command line parameter can be used when loading the printer gadget
(ex: modprobe g_printer idVendor=0x0525 idProduct=0xa4a8 ):

idVendor - This is the Vendor ID used in the device descriptor. The default is
	the Netchip vendor id 0x0525. YOU MUST CHANGE TO YOUR OWN VENDOR ID
	BEFORE RELEASING A PRODUCT. If you plan to release a product and don't
	already have a Vendor ID please see www.usb.org for details on how to
	get one.

idProduct - This is the Product ID used in the device descriptor. The default
	is 0xa4a8, you should change this to an ID that's not used by any of
	your other USB products if you have any. It would be a good idea to
	start numbering your products starting with say 0x0001.

bcdDevice - This is the version number of your product. It would be a good idea
	to put your firmware version here.

iManufacturer - A string containing the name of the Vendor.

iProduct - A string containing the Product Name.

iSerialNum - A string containing the Serial Number. This should be changed for
	each unit of your product.

iPNPstring -  The PNP ID string used for this printer. You will want to set
	either on the command line or hard code the PNP ID string used for
	your printer product.

qlen - The number of 8k buffers to use per endpoint. The default is 10, you
	should tune this for your product. You may also want to tune the
	size of each buffer for your product.



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