
楼主 #1 2019-02-11 13:57:37

注册时间: 2018-04-12
已发帖子: 115
积分: 2

lvgl 的作者挺年轻的

I'm from Hungary and was born in 1990. I was 17 years old when I started to work with electronics. I have some experience with hardware design but most of the time I'm writing embedded software in C.
I created the first, experimental version of the LittlevGL for my hobby projects in 2009. Since then it was rewritten and published on GitHub in 2016.
Besides coding, I needed to learn a lot about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), marketing, web programming and design.
And finally a little bit of personal thing: since December 2018 we are happy parents of our first baby, called Zakariás (Zachary in English) smile



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