
楼主 # 2022-10-09 11:05:06

注册时间: 2021-05-30
已发帖子: 69
积分: 95

T113-S3 Tina系统独立编译Qt,但是无法拷贝Qt文件夹到启动卡,根文件系统分区的inodes耗尽!!求救啊!



Cannot mkdir: No space left on device



tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/SplineSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/LineSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/PolarAreaSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/StackedBarSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/AreaSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/BoxPlotSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/HorizontalPercentBarSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/BarSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/PolarSplineSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/PolarLineSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/PolarScatterSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/designer/default/ScatterSeries.qml: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/libqtchartsqml2.so: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: qt5.12.9-arm-t113/qml/QtCharts/plugins.qmltypes: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors




liefyuan@ubuntu:/media/liefyuan/57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b/opt/qt5.12.9-arm-t113/examples$ df -i
Filesystem      Inodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
udev           1784537     520 1784017    1% /dev
tmpfs          1792228     786 1791442    1% /run
/dev/sda1      6496256 2324896 4171360   36% /
tmpfs          1792228       9 1792219    1% /dev/shm
tmpfs          1792228       5 1792223    1% /run/lock
tmpfs          1792228      17 1792211    1% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs          1792228      35 1792193    1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sdb1            0       0       0     - /media/liefyuan/Volumn
/dev/sdb5         6016    6016       0  100% /media/liefyuan/57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b
/dev/sdb7         6288      11    6277    1% /media/liefyuan/280c157f-8c2e-4d5e-a838-c73b3e13d956
liefyuan@ubuntu:/media/liefyuan/57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b/opt/qt5.12.9-arm-t113/examples$ df -k
Filesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
udev             7138148        0   7138148   0% /dev
tmpfs            1433784     9588   1424196   1% /run
/dev/sda1      102094168 72437412  24447568  75% /
tmpfs            7168912      252   7168660   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs               5120        4      5116   1% /run/lock
tmpfs            7168912        0   7168912   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs            1433784       76   1433708   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sdb1           8151       42      8109   1% /media/liefyuan/Volumn
/dev/sdb5        1046968   248480    782104  25% /media/liefyuan/57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b
/dev/sdb7          21586       14     21081   1% /media/liefyuan/280c157f-8c2e-4d5e-a838-c73b3e13d956
/dev/sdb8       28473856       24  28457448   1% /media/liefyuan/fcb51570-6dd7-4b8d-b0f7-2c15b18cac56



; 说明: 脚本中的字符串区分大小写,用户可以修改"="后面的数值,但是不要修改前面的字符串

;                                   固件下载参数配置
;    mbr的大小, 以Kbyte为单位
size = 16384

;                                              分区配置
;  partition 定义范例:
;    [partition]                ;  //表示是一个分区
;    name        = USERFS2      ; //分区名称
;    size        = 16384        ; //分区大小 单位: 扇区.分区表示个数最多2^31 * 512 = 2T
;    downloadfile = "123.fex"   ; //下载文件的路径和名称,可以使用相对路径,相对是指相对于image.cfg文件所在分区。也可以使用绝对路径
;    keydata     = 1            ; //私有数据分区,重新量产数据将不丢失
;    encrypt     = 1            ; //采用加密方式烧录,将提供数据加密,但损失烧录速度
;    user_type   = ?            ; //私有用法
;    verify      = 1            ; //要求量产完成后校验是否正确
; 注:1、name唯一, 不允许同名
;     2、name最大12个字符
;     3、size = 0, 将创建一个无大小的空分区
;     4、align to logical block size(504 sectors), leb size = 2*(1 nand phy block size - 1 phy page size)

    name         = boot-resource
    size         = 504
    downloadfile = "boot-resource.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = env
    size         = 504
    downloadfile = "env.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = env-redund
    size         = 504
    downloadfile = "env.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = boot
    size         = 8064
    downloadfile = "boot.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = rootfs
    size         = 2097152
    downloadfile = "rootfs.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

;    name         = dsp0
;    size         = 2048
;    downloadfile = "dsp0.fex"
;    user_type    = 0x8000

;    name         = recovery
;    size         = 16128
;    ;downloadfile = "recovery.fex"
;    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = private
    size         = 10240
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = rootfs_data
    size         = 50400
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = UDISK
    user_type    = 0x8100


楼主 #2 2022-10-09 21:23:01

注册时间: 2021-05-30
已发帖子: 69
积分: 95

Re: T113-S3 Tina系统独立编译Qt,但是无法拷贝Qt文件夹到启动卡,根文件系统分区的inodes耗尽!!求救啊!





最近编辑记录 liefyuan (2022-10-09 21:58:06)



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