
#2 Re: Cortex M0/M3/M4/M7 » 弱弱地问一句,大家串口通信 习惯上用什么校验和的算法?有什么优劣? » 2017-09-07 14:27:09

失败人士 说:
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失败人士 说:




Computation of a cyclic redundancy check is derived from the mathematics of polynomial division, modulo two. In practice, it resembles long division of the binary message string, with a fixed number of zeroes appended, by the "generator polynomial" string except that exclusive OR operations replace subtractions. Division of this type is efficiently realised in hardware by a modified shift register,[1] and in software by a series of equivalent algorithms, starting with simple code close to the mathematics and becoming faster (and arguably more obfuscated[2]) through byte-wise parallelism and space-time tradeoffs.

Example of generating an 8-bit CRC. The generator is a Galois type shift register with xor gates placed according to powers (white numbers) of x in the generator polynomial. The message stream may be any length. After it has been shifted through the register, followed by 8 zeroes, the result in the register is the checksum.

Checking received data with checksum. The received message is shifted through the same register as used in the generator, but the received checksum is attached to it instead of zeroes. Correct data yields the all-zeroes result; a corrupted bit in either the message or checksum would give a different result, warning that an error has occurred.
Various CRC standards extend the polynomial division algorithm by specifying an initial shift register value, a final exclusive OR step and, most critically, a bit ordering (endianness). As a result, the code seen in practice deviates confusingly from "pure" division,[2] and the register may shift left or right.



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