
#1 Re: ESP32/ESP8266 » Interface f1c200s with Esp8266 through uart » 2022-06-13 19:41:02

but if I used AT command @ ESP8266 I won't be able to show the WLAN0 as Network Interface right ?
and I won't be able to use ssh using WiFi

#2 ESP32/ESP8266 » Interface f1c200s with Esp8266 through uart » 2022-06-13 06:07:28

回复: 3

I'm using F1C200S development board and I want to connect it to wifi. After doing a little search I found that I can use esp8266 as a wifi module but it's usually interfaced using SDIO or SPI. but the problem is that I'm using both these ports already. so my question is can I interface esp8266 with f1c200s using uart? as serial IP? and if so... how?


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