看到论坛介绍,有兴趣就按顶配画了一个核心板。立创贴了外围阻容。官方淘宝下单了才知道133EBS 100PIN没货。暂时搁置,等有芯片,在后续焊接调试。
我的40pin rgb目前不能显示
我的40pin rgb目前不能显示
tangloong 说:我的40pin rgb目前不能显示
https://whycan.com/t_10374.html 帖子也有
微信群 你跟GEO都在的群包括原理图和运行日志都给你们了
我在 luban-lite\application\baremetal\helloworld\main.c 的 AIC_LVGL_DEMO 添加了 printf("Welcome to Init LVGL");
但是日志都没打出来,而且我在这个文件多处打印信息包括更改show_banner 没有用每次烧录都还是原来的,不是我改动的版本,难道不是改这个文件么?
Pre-Boot Program ... (2023-11-14 13:46:14)SPINOR
tinySPL [Built on Nov 21 2023 11:14:09]
[W] usbh_get_connect_id()107 usb 0 port change wait failed.
[E] main()137 Not find udisk.
qspi0 freq (input): 100000000Hz
qspi0 freq ( bus ): 50000000Hz
qspi0 freq ( bus ): 100000000Hz
Selecting default config 'Luban-lite firmware'
mtd read: 690412 byte, 31891 us -> 21141 KB/s
no string for index 1
148198 : Run APP
_ _ ___ ___ _ _
/ \ _ __| |_|_ _|_ __ / __| |__ (_)_ __
/ _ \ | '__| __|| || '_ \| | | '_ \| | '_ \
/ ___ \| | | |_ | || | | | |__| | | | | |_) |
/_/ \_\_| \__|___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|_| .__/
Welcome to ArtInChip Luban-Lite 1.0 [Built on Dec 10 2023 17:13:44]
qspi0 freq (input): 100000000Hz
qspi0 freq ( bus ): 50000000Hz
[32m01-01 08:00:00 I/SFUD: Flash ID: 0xef4017
[0m[32m01-01 08:00:00 I/SFUD: Find a Winbond flash chip. Size is 8388608 bytes.
[0mqspi0 freq (input): 100000000Hz
qspi0 freq ( bus ): 100000000Hz
[32m01-01 08:00:00 I/SFUD: norflash0 flash device is initialize success.
[0m[32m01-01 08:00:00 I/SFUD: Probe SPI flash norflash0 by SPI device qspi01 success.
[0m[32m01-01 08:00:00 I/touch: rt_touch init success
[0m[32m01-01 08:00:00 I/gt911: touch device gt911 init success
[0m[I] aicfb_find_component()472 find component: artinchip-de
[I] aicfb_find_component()472 find component: artinchip-rgb
[I] aic_find_panel()56 find panel driver : panel-rgb
[I] aicfb_probe()809 fb0 allocated at 0x40010300
[I] hal_ge_init()320 cmd queue hal, cmdq buffer size = 2048
[I] hal_ge_init()377 dither line phys :0X040394b80
[I] hal_ge_init()385 hal_ge_init() end
[I] aic_sdmc_clk_init()543 SDMC1 sclk: 49500 KHz, parent clk 792000 KHz
[32m01-01 08:00:00 I/SDMC: SDMC1 BW 1, sclk 49500 KHz, clk 400 KHz(399 KHz), div 2-62
[0m[I] aic_sdmc_probe()636 SDMC1 driver loaded
[31;22m[E/FAL] (check_and_update_part_cache:123) Initialize failed! Partition(data) offset address(8650752) out of flash bound(<8388608).[0m
[31;22m[E/FAL] (check_and_update_part_cache:123) Initialize failed! Partition(data) offset address(8650752) out of flash bound(<8388608).[0m
[31;22m[E/FAL] (fal_init:48) RT-Thread Flash Abstraction Layer initialize failed.[0m
[32m01-01 08:00:00 I/WDT: ArtInChip WDT loaded
[0m[31m01-01 08:00:00 E/DFS: mount fs[elm] on /rodata failed.
[0m[31m01-01 08:00:00 E/DFS: mount fs[lfs] on /data failed.
[0m[31m01-01 08:00:00 E/DFS: mount fs[elm] on /sdcard failed.
[0m[31m01-01 08:00:00 E/DFS: mount fs[elm] on /sdcard failed.
[0mReboot action: Warm-Reset, reason: External-Reset
Startup time: 0.451 sec
info: cmd ring buf size:1920
info: cmd ring buf size:1920
id = GT911
range_x = 1024
range_y = 600
point_num = 1
aic /> [32m01-01 08:00:00 I/SDMC: SDMC1 BW 1, sclk 49500 KHz, clk 400 KHz(399 KHz), div 2-62
最近编辑记录 tangloong (2023-12-10 18:26:47)