
楼主 # 今天 16:33:51

注册时间: 2024-10-11
已发帖子: 3
积分: 13

D133使用JTAG调试昆仑派时,使用T-Head Debugger Server出现以上报错,已经断开CTP线

WARNING: Your CKLINK's version is newer than Your DebugServer, please update Your DebugServer!
T-HEAD: CKLink_Lite_V2, App_ver 2.37, Bit_ver null, Clock 2526.316KHz,
       5-wire, With DDC, Cache Flush On, SN CKLink_Lite_V2-33781375E4.
Extra Info: hacr width is 8.
ERROR: Fail to check had module of CPU 0, please check:
    1. the physical connection;
    2. the power of the target;
    3. the link clock (link clock <= (CPU clock/2));
    4. the reference voltage of link, default 3.3v;
For more information, please run Debugserver with connect log:
     Console: run Debugserver with arguments "--debug connect".
     UI     : select "Connect" from menu "Setting->Verbose Setting".



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