
楼主 # 2025-01-02 18:34:49

注册时间: 2025-01-02
已发帖子: 2
积分: 12

Allwinner F1C100s display engine front end not working

Hi all,

I'm trying to scale images with the hardware scaler, the display engine front end of the F1C100s (DEFE), but all I get is a black image write back. Based on the status flags the scaler seems to be doing something.

I have tried several options, like not using the CPU caches, or the memory control bit in the enable register, but no dice. I verified that the input image is in the memory, by reading it back from it and writing it to a file.

The board I'm using is a Lichee Nano.

The scaling of the image is a first test to see if it is possible to use the F1C100s as a dedicated digital video stream to LCD converter.

I load the program to DRAM with FEL. To do this I wrote a boot loader that sets up the DRAM and then jumps into FEL.

Both projects are uploaded to the server here and are named:

Would appreciate if anyone on this forum can lend a helping hand and point out where my code is wrong, or what is missing to get it working.


楼主 #1 2025-01-09 17:13:23

注册时间: 2025-01-02
已发帖子: 2
积分: 12

Re: Allwinner F1C100s display engine front end not working

I must say I'm a bit disappointed that there is no response to my query.

I also asked about this on the EEVBlog forum and was referred here as the place with expertise on the F1C100s. (https://www.eevblog.com/forum/microcontrollers/need-help-with-allwinner-f1c100s-display-engine-front-end-(defe)/)

Maybe the project files are not accessible here, so I uploaded them to my github repository here: https://github.com/pecostm32/Lichee_Nano/tree/main/Software


For me the EEVBlog forum is easier to access, so if any member on here that can help also has a login on the EEVBlog forum I would appreciate it if they respond to my post on there.


#3 2025-02-12 09:26:13

注册时间: 2021-12-21
已发帖子: 144
积分: 49

Re: Allwinner F1C100s display engine front end not working

After repeated testing for a long time, the DEFE WB must be restarted after the WB is interrupted, and the Cache is required.



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