
楼主 # 2025-03-16 09:37:42

注册时间: 2021-08-11
已发帖子: 565
积分: 537



[458]HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
[461]BOOT0 commit : {a2135868}
[467]PMU: AXP8191
[468]pmu_chip_id = 14
[471]set pll start
[473]cpul clk 0xf8802700!
[476]cpub clk 0xf8802700!
[479]dsu clk 0xf8801e00!
[483]set pll end
[484]dram return write ok
[487]board init ok
[489]rtc[3] value = 0xb00f
[491]rtc[7] value = 0x1
[495]Driver version 0.0.9 2024.11.20 10:19
[515]Cal words efuse addr 0x60 value 0x915a0000, addr 0x64 value 0x4f1f8496
[573]Device  up at:[574][RX, TX]: gear=[4, 4], lane[2, 2], pwr[FAST MODE, FAST MODE], rate = 2
[582]sc st 2
[583]Read blk size 4096,capacity 31240191
[592]DRAM_VCC set to 560 mv
[595]DRAM CLK =1800 MHZ
[597]DRAM Type =9 (8:LPDDR4,9:LPDDR5)
[744]Training result is = 7
[747]DRAM Pstate 1 training, frequency is 1200 Mhz
[924]Training result is = 7
[927]DRAM Pstate 2 training, frequency is 800 Mhz
[1271]Training result is = 7
[1273]DRAM Pstate 3 training, frequency is 400 Mhz
[1376]Training result is = 7
[1379]DRAM Pstate 0 training, frequency is 1800 Mhz
[1388]Actual DRAM SIZE =6144 M
[1391]DRAM SIZE =6144 MBytes, para1 = a10a, para2 = 18001001, dram_tpr13 = 10065
[1406]DRAM simple test OK.
[1408]dram size = 6144
[1454]Loading boot-pkg Succeed(index=0).
[1458]Entry_name        = u-boot
[1468]Entry_name        = monitor
[1471]Entry_name        = scp
[1474]error: dtb not found for scp
[1479]Jump to ATF: monitor_base = 0x48000000, uboot_base = 0x4a000000, optee_base = 0x0
NOTICE:  BL31: OP-TEE 32bit detected
NOTICE:  BL31: U-BOOT 32bit detected
NOTICE:  BL31: v2.5(debug):b08f3ffb2
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 17:44:29, Nov 22 2024
NOTICE:  hardware check error1
BACKTRACE: START: bl31_platform_setup
0: EL3: 0x48003c9c
1: EL3: 0x4800407c
2: EL3: 0x48003f78
3: EL3: 0x480001f0
BACKTRACE: END: bl31_platform_setup
x30            = 0x0000000048004088
x0             = 0x0000000002500000
x1             = 0x0000000000000060
x2             = 0x0000000000000060
x3             = 0x00000000ffffffc8
x4             = 0x0000000000000034
x5             = 0x0000000000000034
x6             = 0x0000000000000004
x7             = 0x0000000000000000
x8             = 0x000000023fffffff
x9             = 0x0000000048013000
x10            = 0x0000000000000000
x11            = 0x0000000000000000
x12            = 0x0000000000000000
x13            = 0x0000000000000000
x14            = 0x0000000000000000
x15            = 0x0000000000000000
x16            = 0x0000000000000000
x17            = 0x0000000000048c00
x18            = 0x0000000000000020
x19            = 0x000000004800f4b4
x20            = 0x0000000000000000
x21            = 0x0000000000001903
x22            = 0x0000000000000000
x23            = 0x0000000000000000
x24            = 0x0000000000000000
x25            = 0x0000000000000000
x26            = 0x0000000000000000
x27            = 0x0000000000000000
x28            = 0x0000000000000000
x29            = 0x00000000480142c0
scr_el3        = 0x0000000000000238
sctlr_el3      = 0x0000000030cd183f
cptr_el3       = 0x0000000000000000
tcr_el3        = 0x000000008081351e
daif           = 0x00000000000002c0
mair_el3       = 0x00000000004404ff
spsr_el3       = 0x00000000000001cd
elr_el3        = 0x0000000000000000
ttbr0_el3      = 0x0000000048041081
esr_el3        = 0x00000000ef6cffff
far_el3        = 0x08888c7dffffffcc
spsr_el1       = 0x00000000000001cd
elr_el1        = 0x0000000000000000
spsr_abt       = 0x00000000200e3d4d
spsr_und       = 0x00000000128d3e4d
spsr_irq       = 0x0000000002073c4d
spsr_fiq       = 0x0000000002013c5d
sctlr_el1      = 0x0000000000c50838
actlr_el1      = 0x0000000000000000
cpacr_el1      = 0x0000000000000000
csselr_el1     = 0x0000000000000000
sp_el1         = 0x0000000000000000
esr_el1        = 0x00000000fffffdff
ttbr0_el1      = 0x0000c0fcf2fefff8
ttbr1_el1      = 0x0000ff5ced00c0a0
mair_el1       = 0x44e048e000098aa4
amair_el1      = 0x0000000000000000
tcr_el1        = 0x0000000000000000
tpidr_el1      = 0x807fff7ffcfffffb
tpidr_el0      = 0xff8cffff7ffffeff
tpidrro_el0    = 0xff4c18fffe66feff
par_el1        = 0xff00000048000980
mpidr_el1      = 0x0000000081000000
afsr0_el1      = 0x0000000000000000
afsr1_el1      = 0x0000000000000000
contextidr_el1 = 0x0000000000000000
vbar_el1       = 0x0000000000000000
cntp_ctl_el0   = 0x0000000000000000
cntp_cval_el0  = 0xff7f7fffffff7fff
cntv_ctl_el0   = 0x0000000000000000
cntv_cval_el0  = 0xffffff3fff3f7fff
cntkctl_el1    = 0x0000000000000000
sp_el0         = 0x00000000480142c0
isr_el1        = 0x0000000000000000
cpuectlr_el1   = 0x000000002808bc00
icc_hppir0_el1 = 0x00000000000003ff
icc_hppir1_el1 = 0x00000000000003ff
icc_ctlr_el3   = 0x0000000000028400
gicd_ispendr regs (Offsets 0x200-0x278)
Offset                  Value
0x200:           0x0000000000000000
0x208:           0x0000000000000000
0x210:           0x0000000000000000
0x218:           0x0000000000000000
0x220:           0x0000000000000000
0x228:           0x0000000000000000
0x230:           0x0000000000000000
0x238:           0x0000000000000000
0x240:           0x0000000000000000
0x248:           0x0000000000000000
0x250:           0x0000000000000000
0x258:           0x0000000000000000
0x260:           0x0000000000000000
0x268:           0x0000000000000000
0x270:           0x0000000000000000
0x278:           0x0000000000000000




楼主 #1 2025-03-16 09:42:52

注册时间: 2021-08-11
已发帖子: 565
积分: 537

Re: A733烧录Android15后不能启动


; 说明: 脚本中的字符串区分大小写,用户可以修改"="后面的数值,但是不要修改前面的字符串

;                                   固件下载参数配置
;    mbr的大小, 以Kbyte为单位
    size = 16384

;                                              分区配置
;  partition 定义范例:
;  [partition]                  ; //表示是一个分区
;    name        = USERFS2      ; //分区名称
;    size        = 16384        ; //分区大小,单位:默认为扇区,可支持B/K/M/G容量单位
;    downloadfile= "123.fex"    ; //下载文件的路径和名称,可以使用相对路径,相对是指相对于image.cfg文件所在分区。也可以使用绝对路径
;    keydata     = 1            ; //私有数据分区,重新量产数据将不丢失
;    encrypt     = 1            ; //采用加密方式烧录,将提供数据加密,但损失烧录速度
;    user_type   = ?            ; //私有用法
;    verify      = 1            ; //要求量产完成后校验是否正确
; 注:1、name唯一, 不允许同名
;     2、name最大12个字符
;     3、size = 0, 将创建一个无大小的空分区
;     4、为了安全和效率考虑,分区大小最好保证为16M字节的整数倍

;------------------------------>bootloader resource
    name         = bootloader_a
    size         = 65536
    downloadfile = "boot-resource.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = bootloader_b
    size         = 65536
    user_type    = 0x8000

;------------------------------>uboot env
    name         = env_a
    size         = 512
    downloadfile = "env.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = env_b
    size         = 512
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = boot_a
    size         = 131072
    downloadfile = "boot.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = boot_b
    size         = 131072
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = vendor_boot_a
    size         = 65536
    downloadfile = "vendor_boot.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = vendor_boot_b
    size         = 65536
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = init_boot_a
    size         = 16384
    downloadfile = "init_boot.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = init_boot_b
    size         = 16384
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = super
    size         = 9437184
    downloadfile = "super.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = misc
    size         = 32768
    downloadfile = "misc.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

;------------------------------>store encryptable
    name         = vbmeta_a
    size         = 256
    downloadfile = "vbmeta.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = vbmeta_b
    size         = 256
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = vbmeta_system_a
    size         = 128
    downloadfile = "vbmeta_system.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = vbmeta_system_b
    size         = 128
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = vbmeta_vendor_a
    size         = 128
    downloadfile = "vbmeta_vendor.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = vbmeta_vendor_b
    size         = 128
    user_type    = 0x8000

;------------------------------>frp + empty
    name         = frp
    size         = 1024
    ro           = 0
    user_type    = 0x8000
    keydata      = 0x8000

    name         = empty
    size         = 30720
    ro           = 0
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = metadata
    size         = 32768
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = treadahead
    size         = 196608
    user_type    = 0x8000

;------------------------------>data image private
    name         = private
    size         = 32768
    ro           = 0
    user_type    = 0x8000

;------------------------------>device tree overlay
    name         = dtbo_a
    size         = 4096
    downloadfile = "dtbo.fex"
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = dtbo_b
    size         = 4096
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = media_data
    size         = 32768
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = pstore
    size         = 65536
    user_type    = 0x8000

    name         = UDISK
    user_type    = 0x8100

从这里看:bootloader_a 对应 "boot-resource.fex"


楼主 #2 2025-03-16 09:44:49

注册时间: 2021-08-11
已发帖子: 565
积分: 537

Re: A733烧录Android15后不能启动


	LOGD "copying boot resource"
	for file in ${boot_resource_list[@]} ; do
		cp -rf $(echo $file | sed -e 's/:/ /g') 2>/dev/null


楼主 #3 2025-03-16 10:15:06

注册时间: 2021-08-11
已发帖子: 565
积分: 537

Re: A733烧录Android15后不能启动

cd /opt/A733_Android15_GMS_Tablet_V0.99/android15/longan/

./build.sh config




楼主 #4 2025-03-16 10:18:38

注册时间: 2021-08-11
已发帖子: 565
积分: 537

Re: A733烧录Android15后不能启动

手动切换 otg 为 device,为了进入adb:

find / -name usb_device |xargs cat

scrcpy 3.1 也控制不了A733:

scrcpy 3.1 <https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy>
INFO: ADB device found:
INFO:     -->   (usb)  7c00161172038721ecc             device  A733_AG863109VCB
E:\downloads\scrcpy-win64-v3.1\scrcpy-server: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 44.3 MB/s (90640 bytes in 0.002s)
[server] INFO: Device: [Allwinner] Allwinner A733 AG863109VCB (Android 15)
[server] ERROR: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.view.InputDevice android.hardware.input.InputManagerGlobal.getInputDevice(int)' on a null object reference
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.view.InputDevice android.hardware.input.InputManagerGlobal.getInputDevice(int)' on a null object reference
        at android.view.KeyCharacterMap.load(KeyCharacterMap.java:364)
        at com.genymobile.scrcpy.control.Controller.<init>(Controller.java:86)
        at com.genymobile.scrcpy.Server.scrcpy(Server.java:115)
        at com.genymobile.scrcpy.Server.internalMain(Server.java:251)
        at com.genymobile.scrcpy.Server.main(Server.java:201)
        at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit.nativeFinishInit(Native Method)
        at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit.main(RuntimeInit.java:369)
ERROR: Could not retrieve device information
ERROR: Server connection failed
Press Enter to continue...



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