之前用v3s时这个配置项默认是arm-linux-gnueabihf 恰好是适合v3s使用的gcc
但是在F1C200s就不能用了 要进行修改
在修改完以后 继续尝试播放 发现屏幕显示一片墨绿 过一会内核崩溃了 绿的我发慌
重启还起不来 发现是有和启动相关的库被破坏掉了 要重新烧录才行能正常启动
后来排查发现是硬解码输出帧格式的问题 (但不至于内核奔溃甚至破坏启动库吧)
我们在用v3s进行硬解码时 openmax是被默认配置为输出YV12 所以v3s用起来没问题 但是到F1C200s就不行了 F1C200s只能输出MB32 (详细资料看隔壁硬解码主题8楼 https://whycan.com/t_5429.html)
所以我们只要将openmax配置修改一下 再对输出格式做个转换 就可以了
Target packages ->
Hardware handling ->
libcedarc ->
Arch library select
cd output/build/libcedarc-master
vim openmax/vdec/src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c
在结构体类型typedef struct OmxAwDecoderContext增加以下成员
char* pYV12;
VideoPicture CvtPicture;
pCtx->mVideoConfig.eOutputPixelFormat = PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12;
pCtx->mVideoConfig.eOutputPixelFormat = PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV_MB32_420;
在语句ret = InitializeVideoDecoder(pCtx->m_decoder, 上面一行添加以下内容
pCtx->pYV12 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * pCtx->mStreamInfo.nWidth * pCtx->mStreamInfo.nHeight * 3 / 2);
if(pCtx->pYV12 == NULL)
loge("pCtx->pYV12 malloc fail\n");
return -1;
pCtx->CvtPicture.pData0 = pCtx->pYV12;
pCtx->CvtPicture.ePixelFormat = PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12;
在logv("*** picture info: w(%d),h(%d),offset,t(%d),b(%d),l(%d),r(%d)",上面一行添加以下内容
RotatePicture(pCtx->decMemOps, pCtx->pPicture, &pCtx->CvtPicture, 0, 32, 32);
AlignCopyYV12((unsigned char*)pOutBufHdr->pBuffer,
(unsigned char*)pCtx->pPicture->pData0,
AlignCopyYV12((unsigned char*)pOutBufHdr->pBuffer,
(unsigned char*)pCtx->CvtPicture.pData0,
pCtx->mVideoConfig.eOutputPixelFormat = PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12;
pCtx->mVideoConfig.eOutputPixelFormat = PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV_MB32_420;
在if(pCtx->m_decoder != NULL)上面一行添加以下内容
if(pCtx->pYV12 != NULL)
pCtx->pYV12 = NULL;
3.修改libcedarc 添加格式转换
vim vdecoder/pixel_format.c
void MB32_CVT_YV12_(char* pSrc, char* pSrc_v, char* pDst, int nWidth, int nHeight)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int m = 0;
int n = 0;
int k = 0;
int nMbWidth = 0;
int nMbHeight = 0;
int nMbWidth_uv = 0;
int nMbHeight_uv = 0;
int nLineStride = 0;
int nLineStride_uv = 0;
int lineNum = 0;
int lineNum_uv = 0;
int offset = 0;
int offset_uv = 0;
int maxNum = 0;
char* ptr = NULL;
char* ptr_uv = NULL;
char* pDstU = NULL;
char* pDstV = NULL;
int nWidth_uv = 0;
int nHeight_uv = 0;
char bufferY[32];
char bufferV[16], bufferU[16];
int nWidthMatchFlag = 0;
int nWidthMatchFlag_uv = 0;
int nCopyMbWidth = 0;
int nCopyMbWidth_uv = 0;
char *dstAsm = NULL;
char *dst0Asm = NULL;
char *dst1Asm = NULL;
char *srcAsm = NULL;
char *srcAsm_uv = NULL;
int bCnt2 = 1;
nLineStride = (nWidth + 15) &~15;
nMbWidth = (nWidth + 31)&~31;
nMbWidth >>= 5;//n 32 width / 32
nMbHeight = (nHeight + 31)&~31;
nMbHeight >>= 5;// / 32
ptr = pSrc;
nWidthMatchFlag = 0;
nCopyMbWidth = nMbWidth - 1;
nWidth_uv = (nWidth + 1) / 2;
nHeight_uv = (nHeight + 1) / 2;
nLineStride_uv = (nWidth_uv + 7)&~7;
nMbWidth_uv = (nWidth_uv * 2 + 31)&~31;
nMbWidth_uv >>= 5;// / 32
nMbHeight_uv = (nHeight_uv + 31)&~31;
nMbHeight_uv >>= 5;// / 32
ptr_uv = pSrc_v;
pDstU = pDst + (nWidth * nHeight) + (nWidth / 2 * nHeight / 2);
pDstV = pDst + (nWidth * nHeight);
nWidthMatchFlag_uv = 0;
nCopyMbWidth_uv = nMbWidth_uv - 1;
if ((nMbWidth << 5) == nLineStride)// * 32
nWidthMatchFlag = 1;
nCopyMbWidth = nMbWidth;
if ((nMbWidth_uv << 4) == nLineStride_uv)//*16
nWidthMatchFlag_uv = 1;
nCopyMbWidth_uv = nMbWidth_uv;
for (i = 0; i < nMbHeight; i++)
for (j = 0; j < nCopyMbWidth; j++)
for (m = 0; m < 32; m++)
if (((i << 5) + m) >= nHeight)// * 32
ptr += 32;
srcAsm = ptr;
lineNum = (i << 5) + m; //line num * 32
offset = lineNum * nLineStride + (j << 5);// * 32
dstAsm = pDst + offset;
memcpy(dstAsm, srcAsm, 32);
if (bCnt2)
srcAsm_uv = ptr_uv;
lineNum_uv = (i << 4) + m; //line num i / 2 * 32
offset_uv = lineNum_uv * nLineStride_uv + (j << 4);// * 16
dst0Asm = pDstU + offset_uv;
dst1Asm = pDstV + offset_uv;
memcpy(dst0Asm, srcAsm_uv, 16);
memcpy(dst1Asm, (void *)(srcAsm_uv + 16), 16);
ptr_uv += 32;
ptr += 32;
if (nWidthMatchFlag != 1)
for (m = 0; m < 32; m++)
if (((i << 5) + m) >= nHeight)// * 32
ptr += 32;
dstAsm = bufferY;
srcAsm = ptr;
lineNum = (i << 5) + m; //line num * 32
offset = lineNum * nLineStride + (j << 5);// * 32
memcpy(dstAsm, srcAsm, 32);
ptr += 32;
for (k = 0; k < 32; k++)
if ((j * 32 + k) >= nLineStride)
pDst[offset + k] = bufferY[k];
if (bCnt2) {
if (nWidthMatchFlag_uv != 1)
for (m = 0; m < 32; m++)
if (((i << 4) + m) >= nHeight_uv)//i / 2 * 32
ptr_uv += 32;
srcAsm = ptr_uv;
lineNum_uv = (i << 4) + m; //line num i / 2 * 32
offset = lineNum_uv * nLineStride_uv + (j << 4);// * 16
dst0Asm = bufferU;
dst1Asm = bufferV;
memcpy(dst0Asm, srcAsm, 16);
memcpy(dst1Asm, (char *)(srcAsm + 16), 16);
ptr_uv += 32;
for (k = 0; k < 16; k++)
if (((j << 4) + k) >= nLineStride_uv)// j * 16
pDstV[offset + k] = bufferV[k];
pDstU[offset + k] = bufferU[k];
bCnt2 = !bCnt2;
和#ifdef CEDARX_DECODER_ARM32之间添加以下内容
if(pPictureIn->ePixelFormat == PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV_MB32_420)
MB32_CVT_YV12(pPictureIn->pData0, pPictureIn->pData1, pPictureOut->pData0, \
pPictureIn->nWidth, pPictureIn->nHeight);
make clean
rm .stamp_built
3.和v3s一样 给gstreamer的openmax插件添加全志的颜色空间定义
cd ../gst-omx-1.16.0/
vim omx/gstomxvideo.c
case OMX_COLOR_FormatYVU420Planar:
(之前那篇帖子有人说OMX_COLOR_FormatYVU420Planar找不到定义 我估计就是这个没有清)
make clean
rm .stamp_built
cd ../../../
这样源文件的修改就完成了 gstreamer的配置就看回上面v3s的主题
打包烧录后进入系统 进行gst-omx注册后就可以进行硬解码播放了
硬件 Widora R3 晕哥特供
linux 主线内核5.2荔枝派官方的
启动方式 TF卡 屏幕800 * 480
h264文件 bad_apple.mp4
最后感谢晕哥在歪朵拉R3断货时 雪中送炭 支援了我一块 真够豪爽的
最近编辑记录 逸俊晨晖 (2021-01-07 23:32:04)
感谢分享经验,解码的f1c好像都是mb32 title格式
最近编辑记录 bubailong (2021-01-08 09:03:11)
我说我杀人不眨眼 你问我眼睛酸不酸?
上面搞了这么多 都是硬解视频流 声音要先把声卡配出来 然后用以下命令解码才有
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=bad_apple.mp4 ! qtdemux name=demux demux.audio_0 \
! queue ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! alsasink \
demux.video_0 ! queue ! h264parse ! omxh264dec ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! fbdevsink
没测试过 肯定比bsp差一些 追求极致要配合DE 省去软件yuv转rgb环节
我估计你用F1C100s玩火了 内存不足警告
注意串口接口 歪朵拉R3的是PA2 PA3
最近编辑记录 逸俊晨晖 (2021-01-08 20:36:13)
bubailong 说:为啥无法启动呢?没有任何输出
我估计你用F1C100s玩火了 内存不足警告
注意串口接口 歪朵拉R3的是PA2 PA3
昨天调了一天,按照教程 /dev中始终不出现cedar_dev和ion 这两个
在设备树中 cedar_dev和ion 的status 项从 disabled改成okay
bubailong 说:大神,帮我看看,是哪一步出错了。。
在设备树中 cedar_dev和ion 的status 项从 disabled改成okay
超频走起 DE走起
感谢楼主,楼主上面中 MB32_CVT_YV12_是不是多了_符号。
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
debug : cedarc <AwOmxComponentInit:26>:OMXCORE: aw_omx_component_init 122300
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecInit:1059>:++++++++++++++++++++++omx begin++++++++++++++++++
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecInit:1060>:name = OMX.allwinner.video.decoder.avc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <OmxDecoderCreate:940>:kay: ** 0.
debug : cedarc <CdcMessageQueueCreate:47>:nMessageSize = 20
debug : cedarc <AwOmxComponentSetCallbacks:310>:OMXCORE: aw_omx_component_set_callbacks 122300, b667d504 , fe8f8
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecSetCallbacks:1812>:===== vdec set callbacks
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortSetDefinitioin:192>:port:<<<<<<<<in,nBufferCountActual = 2, mBufferCntActual = 2
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortSetDefinitioin:192>:port:<<<<<<<<in,nBufferCountActual = 2, mBufferCntActual = 2
error : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat:288>:erro: pParamData->nIndex > m_sPortFormatType.nIndex
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:359>:current state:OMX_StateLoaded, target state:OMX_StateIdle
debug : omx_vdec <doStateWaitforResources2Idle:563>:bEnabled[1],[1],bPopulated[0],[0]
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:867>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:879>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:881>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:<<<<<<<<in
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:867>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:879>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:881>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:<<<<<<<<in
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:867>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:879>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:881>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:867>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:879>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:881>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:867>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:879>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:881>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:867>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:879>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:881>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <doStateWaitforResources2Idle:563>:bEnabled[1],[1],bPopulated[1],[1]
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:380>:Transit current state:OMX_StateLoaded --> target state:OMX_StateIdle --OK!
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:359>:current state:OMX_StateIdle, target state:OMX_StateExecuting
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:380>:Transit current state:OMX_StateIdle --> target state:OMX_StateExecuting --OK!
error : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat:288>:erro: pParamData->nIndex > m_sPortFormatType.nIndex
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=bad_apple.mp4 ! qtdemux ! h264parse ! omxh264d
ec ! autovideoconvert ! fbdevsink
[ 31.842570] vcc3v0: disabling
[ 31.845580] vcc5v0: disabling
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
debug : cedarc <AwOmxComponentInit:26>:OMXCORE: aw_omx_component_init 126000
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecInit:1059>:++++++++++++++++++++++omx begin++++++++++++++++++
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecInit:1060>:name = OMX.allwinner.video.decoder.avc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <OmxDecoderCreate:962>:kay: ** 0.
debug : cedarc <CdcMessageQueueCreate:47>:nMessageSize = 20
debug : cedarc <AwOmxComponentSetCallbacks:310>:OMXCORE: aw_omx_component_set_callbacks 126000, b6695508 , 9a8b0
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecSetCallbacks:1812>:===== vdec set callbacks
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortSetDefinitioin:192>:port:<<<<<<<<in,nBufferCountActual = 2, mBufferCntActual = 2
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortSetDefinitioin:192>:port:<<<<<<<<in,nBufferCountActual = 2, mBufferCntActual = 2
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
error : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat:289>:erro: pParamData->nIndex > m_sPortFormatType.nIndex
hxf__src/omx_vdec_port.c AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat 290---------------
hxf default format=7f000002__src/omx_vdec_port.c AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat 294---------------
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:359>:current state:OMX_StateLoaded, target state:OMX_StateIdle
debug : omx_vdec <doStateWaitforResources2Idle:563>:bEnabled[1],[1],bPopulated[0],[0]
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:889>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:901>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:903>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:396>:*******port pop buffer:<<<<<<<<in
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:889>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:901>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:903>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:396>:*******port pop buffer:<<<<<<<<in
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:889>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:901>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:903>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:396>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:889>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:901>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:903>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:396>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:889>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:901>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:903>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:396>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:889>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:901>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:903>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:396>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
debug : omx_vdec <doStateWaitforResources2Idle:563>:bEnabled[1],[1],bPopulated[1],[1]
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:380>:Transit current state:OMX_StateLoaded --> target state:OMX_StateIdle --OK!
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:359>:current state:OMX_StateIdle, target state:OMX_StateExecuting
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:380>:Transit current state:OMX_StateIdle --> target state:OMX_StateExecuting --OK!
debug : omx_vdec_aw <liDealWithInitData:156>:fatal error! pInBufHdr is NULL, check code!
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
debug : omx_vdec_aw <liDealWithInitData:175>:++++++++++++++++pCtx->mCodecSpecificDataLen[0]
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liPrepare:464>:decoder prepare
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1538>: 1117 get local path: /usr/lib/
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawavs.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawavs.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '117:avs' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawh264.so
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liGetFormat 875---------------
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawh264.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '115:h264' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawh265.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawh265.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '116:h265' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmjpeg.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmjpeg.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '101:mjpeg' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmjpegplus.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmjpegplus.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '101:mjpegplus' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg2.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmpeg2.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '102:mpeg2' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '103:mpeg2' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4base.so
warning: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1498>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4dx.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4dx.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '105:mpeg4dx' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '106:mpeg4dx' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '107:mpeg4dx' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10e:mpeg4dx' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10f:mpeg4dx' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4h263.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4h263.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '104:mpeg4H263' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10b:mpeg4H263' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10d:mpeg4H263' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4normal.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4normal.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10a:mpeg4Normal' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10c:mpeg4Normal' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '108:mpeg4Normal' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '109:mpeg4Normal' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4vp6.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4vp6.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '111:Mpeg4Vp6' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawvp8.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawvp8.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '112:vp8' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawvp9Hw.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawvp9Hw.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '113:Vp9Hw' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawwmv3.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawwmv3.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '110:vc1' success.
debug : cedarc <LogVersionInfo:40>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cedar Codec <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
tag : CedarC-v1.1.9
branch: master
commit: 1951abe1456450ea48bfd446e801861a1354e93c
date : Wed May 30 18:59:36 2018 +0800
author: jenkins8080
patch :
debug : cedarc <CreateVideoDecoder:215>:CreateVideoDecoder ****
debug : ionAlloc <__GetIonMemOpsS:985>:*** get __GetIonMemOpsS ***
debug : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open:134>:begin ion_alloc_open
debug : cedarc <VeSetSpeed:1559>: *** set ve freq to 300 Mhz ***
debug : cedarc <VeInitialize:1198>: ve init ok
debug : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open:175>:** phy offset = 40000000
debug : cedarc <VeRelease:1253>: ve release ok
WARNING: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstFBDEVSink:fbdevsink0: A lot of buffers are being dropped.
Additional debug info:
../libs/gst/base/gstbasesink.c(3005): gst_base_sink_is_too_late (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstFBDEVSink:fbdevsink0:
There may be a timestamping problem, or this computer is too slow.
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liDrain 724---------------
*** picture info: w(512),h(384),offset,t(0),b(384),l(0),r(512)hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liDrain 740---------------
hxf__pixel_format.c ConvertPixelFormat 766---------------
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liDrain 724---------------
*** picture info: w(512),h(384),offset,t(0),b(384),l(0),r(512)hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liDrain 740---------------
hxf__pixel_format.c ConvertPixelFormat 766---------------
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liDrain 724---------------
*** picture info: w(512),h(384),offset,t(0),b(384),l(0),r(512)hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liDrain 740---------------
hxf__pixel_format.c ConvertPixelFormat 766---------------
hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liDrain 724---------------
*** picture info: w(512),h(384),offset,t(0),b(384),l(0),r(512)hxf__src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c __liDrain 740---------------
最近编辑记录 vip888888 (2021-03-19 17:09:32)
但我换成别的视频就会显示Caught SIGSEGV
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecUseBuffer:1661>:PortIndex[1], nSizeBytes[368640], pBuffer[0xb0dc2060]
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecUseBuffer:1682>:pPortDef[1]->bEnabled=0, m_state=OMX_StateExecuting, can allocate_buffer.
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_thread <OmxThread_resume:246>:++++++++++resume, drain
exec gdb failed: No such file or directory
Spinning. Please run 'gdb gst-launch-1.0 229' to continue debugging, Ctrl-C to quit, or Ctrl-\ to dump core.
^Chandling interrupt.
Interrupt: Stopping pipeline ...
ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
debug : omx_thread <OmxThread_suspend:220>:++++++++++suspend, drain
18楼的问题已修复 修复了两个问题
就是https://whycan.com/t_6139.html里说的 “并且分辨率: 32的整数倍* 32的整数倍 偏离一个像素都可能导致错误。”
测试其他视频发现颜色不对 现已修复
cd output/build/libcedarc-master
vim openmax/vdec/src/omx_vdec_aw_decoder_linux.c
在结构体类型typedef struct OmxAwDecoderContext增加以下成员
int tWidth;
int tHeight;
if (pCtx->mStreamInfo.nWidth > 1920
&& pCtx->mStreamInfo.nHeight > 1088)
pCtx->mVideoConfig.bScaleDownEn = 1;
pCtx->mVideoConfig.nHorizonScaleDownRatio = 1;
pCtx->mVideoConfig.nVerticalScaleDownRatio = 1;
pCtx->tWidth = pCtx->mStreamInfo.nWidth;
pCtx->tHeight = pCtx->mStreamInfo.nHeight;
pCtx->mStreamInfo.nWidth = (pCtx->mStreamInfo.nWidth + 31) & ~31;
pCtx->mStreamInfo.nHeight = (pCtx->mStreamInfo.nHeight + 31) & ~31;
static int __liCallback(OmxDecoder* pDec, DecoderCallback callback,
void* pUserData)
static int yv12_align_fill(char* p_dst, int w, int h, int aw, int ah)
int i, j;
int map = aw * ah;
int v_size = (map) >> 2;
char *pv = p_dst + map;
char *pu = pv + v_size;// / 4
int dw = aw - w;
int dh = ah -h;
int dw_h = dw / 2;
int dh_h = dh / 2;
int w_h = w / 2;
int h_h = h / 2;
int aw_h = aw / 2;
int ah_h = ah / 2;
int map_oft = aw_h * h_h;
if((w == aw) && (h == ah))
return 0;
pv[w_h + j + aw_h * i] = 128;
pu[w_h + j + aw_h * i] = 128;
pv[map_oft + j + aw_h * i] = 128;
pu[map_oft + j + aw_h * i] = 128;
return 0;
RotatePicture(pCtx->decMemOps, pCtx->pPicture, &pCtx->CvtPicture, 0, 32, 32);
yv12_align_fill(pCtx->CvtPicture.pData0, pCtx-> tWidth, pCtx-> tWidth, pCtx->mStreamInfo.nWidth, pCtx->mStreamInfo.nHeight);
vim vdecoder/pixel_format.c
static void MB32_CVT_YV12(char* pSrc, char* pSrc_v, char* pDst, int nWidth, int nHeight)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int m = 0;
int n = 0;
int k = 0;
int nMbWidth = 0;
int nMbHeight = 0;
int nMbWidth_uv = 0;
int nMbHeight_uv = 0;
int nLineStride = 0;
int nLineStride_uv = 0;
int lineNum = 0;
int lineNum_uv = 0;
int offset = 0;
int offset_uv = 0;
int maxNum = 0;
char* ptr = NULL;
char* ptr_uv = NULL;
char* pDstU = NULL;
char* pDstV = NULL;
int nWidth_uv = 0;
int nHeight_uv = 0;
char bufferY[32];
char bufferV[16], bufferU[16];
int nWidthMatchFlag = 0;
int nWidthMatchFlag_uv = 0;
int nCopyMbWidth = 0;
int nCopyMbWidth_uv = 0;
char *dstAsm = NULL;
char *dst0Asm = NULL;
char *dst1Asm = NULL;
char *srcAsm = NULL;
char *srcAsm_uv = NULL;
int bCnt2 = 1;
nLineStride = (nWidth + 15) &~15;
nMbWidth = (nWidth + 31)&~31;
nMbWidth >>= 5;//n 32 width / 32
nMbHeight = (nHeight + 31)&~31;
nMbHeight >>= 5;// / 32
ptr = pSrc;
nWidthMatchFlag = 0;
nCopyMbWidth = nMbWidth - 1;
nWidth_uv = (nWidth + 1) / 2;
nHeight_uv = (nHeight + 1) / 2;
nLineStride_uv = (nWidth_uv + 7)&~7;
nMbWidth_uv = (nWidth_uv * 2 + 31)&~31;
nMbWidth_uv >>= 5;// / 32
nMbHeight_uv = (nHeight_uv + 31)&~31;
nMbHeight_uv >>= 5;// / 32
ptr_uv = pSrc_v;
pDstU = pDst + (nWidth * nHeight) + (nWidth / 2 * nHeight / 2);
pDstV = pDst + (nWidth * nHeight);
nWidthMatchFlag_uv = 0;
nCopyMbWidth_uv = nMbWidth_uv - 1;
if ((nMbWidth << 5) == nLineStride)// * 32
nWidthMatchFlag = 1;
nCopyMbWidth = nMbWidth;
if ((nMbWidth_uv << 4) == nLineStride_uv)//*16
nWidthMatchFlag_uv = 1;
nCopyMbWidth_uv = nMbWidth_uv;
for (i = 0; i < nMbHeight; i++)
for (j = 0; j < nCopyMbWidth; j++)
for (m = 0; m < 32; m++)
if (((i << 5) + m) >= nHeight)// * 32
ptr += 32;
srcAsm = ptr;
lineNum = (i << 5) + m; //line num * 32
offset = lineNum * nLineStride + (j << 5);// * 32
dstAsm = pDst + offset;
memcpy(dstAsm, srcAsm, 32);
if (bCnt2)
srcAsm_uv = ptr_uv;
lineNum_uv = (i << 4) + m; //line num i / 2 * 32
offset_uv = lineNum_uv * nLineStride_uv + (j << 4);// * 16
dst0Asm = pDstU + offset_uv;
dst1Asm = pDstV + offset_uv;
//memcpy(dst0Asm, srcAsm_uv, 16);
//memcpy(dst1Asm, (void *)(srcAsm_uv + 16), 16);
dst0Asm[0] = srcAsm_uv[0];
dst0Asm[1] = srcAsm_uv[2];
dst0Asm[2] = srcAsm_uv[4];
dst0Asm[3] = srcAsm_uv[6];
dst0Asm[4] = srcAsm_uv[8];
dst0Asm[5] = srcAsm_uv[10];
dst0Asm[6] = srcAsm_uv[12];
dst0Asm[7] = srcAsm_uv[14];
dst0Asm[8] = srcAsm_uv[16];
dst0Asm[9] = srcAsm_uv[18];
dst0Asm[10] = srcAsm_uv[20];
dst0Asm[11] = srcAsm_uv[22];
dst0Asm[12] = srcAsm_uv[24];
dst0Asm[13] = srcAsm_uv[26];
dst0Asm[14] = srcAsm_uv[28];
dst0Asm[15] = srcAsm_uv[30];
dst1Asm[0] = srcAsm_uv[1];
dst1Asm[1] = srcAsm_uv[3];
dst1Asm[2] = srcAsm_uv[5];
dst1Asm[3] = srcAsm_uv[7];
dst1Asm[4] = srcAsm_uv[9];
dst1Asm[5] = srcAsm_uv[11];
dst1Asm[6] = srcAsm_uv[13];
dst1Asm[7] = srcAsm_uv[15];
dst1Asm[8] = srcAsm_uv[17];
dst1Asm[9] = srcAsm_uv[19];
dst1Asm[10] = srcAsm_uv[21];
dst1Asm[11] = srcAsm_uv[23];
dst1Asm[12] = srcAsm_uv[25];
dst1Asm[13] = srcAsm_uv[27];
dst1Asm[14] = srcAsm_uv[29];
dst1Asm[15] = srcAsm_uv[31];
ptr_uv += 32;
ptr += 32;
if (nWidthMatchFlag != 1)
for (m = 0; m < 32; m++)
if (((i << 5) + m) >= nHeight)// * 32
ptr += 32;
dstAsm = bufferY;
srcAsm = ptr;
lineNum = (i << 5) + m; //line num * 32
offset = lineNum * nLineStride + (j << 5);// * 32
memcpy(dstAsm, srcAsm, 32);
ptr += 32;
for (k = 0; k < 32; k++)
if ((j * 32 + k) >= nLineStride)
pDst[offset + k] = bufferY[k];
if (bCnt2) {
if (nWidthMatchFlag_uv != 1)
for (m = 0; m < 32; m++)
if (((i << 4) + m) >= nHeight_uv)//i / 2 * 32
ptr_uv += 32;
srcAsm_uv = ptr_uv;
lineNum_uv = (i << 4) + m; //line num i / 2 * 32
offset = lineNum_uv * nLineStride_uv + (j << 4);// * 16
dst0Asm = bufferU;
dst1Asm = bufferV;
//memcpy(dst0Asm, srcAsm, 16);
//memcpy(dst1Asm, (char *)(srcAsm + 16), 16);
dst0Asm[0] = srcAsm_uv[0];
dst0Asm[1] = srcAsm_uv[2];
dst0Asm[2] = srcAsm_uv[4];
dst0Asm[3] = srcAsm_uv[6];
dst0Asm[4] = srcAsm_uv[8];
dst0Asm[5] = srcAsm_uv[10];
dst0Asm[6] = srcAsm_uv[12];
dst0Asm[7] = srcAsm_uv[14];
dst0Asm[8] = srcAsm_uv[16];
dst0Asm[9] = srcAsm_uv[18];
dst0Asm[10] = srcAsm_uv[20];
dst0Asm[11] = srcAsm_uv[22];
dst0Asm[12] = srcAsm_uv[24];
dst0Asm[13] = srcAsm_uv[26];
dst0Asm[14] = srcAsm_uv[28];
dst0Asm[15] = srcAsm_uv[30];
dst1Asm[0] = srcAsm_uv[1];
dst1Asm[1] = srcAsm_uv[3];
dst1Asm[2] = srcAsm_uv[5];
dst1Asm[3] = srcAsm_uv[7];
dst1Asm[4] = srcAsm_uv[9];
dst1Asm[5] = srcAsm_uv[11];
dst1Asm[6] = srcAsm_uv[13];
dst1Asm[7] = srcAsm_uv[15];
dst1Asm[8] = srcAsm_uv[17];
dst1Asm[9] = srcAsm_uv[19];
dst1Asm[10] = srcAsm_uv[21];
dst1Asm[11] = srcAsm_uv[23];
dst1Asm[12] = srcAsm_uv[25];
dst1Asm[13] = srcAsm_uv[27];
dst1Asm[14] = srcAsm_uv[29];
dst1Asm[15] = srcAsm_uv[31];
ptr_uv += 32;
for (k = 0; k < 16; k++)
if (((j << 4) + k) >= nLineStride_uv)// j * 16
pDstV[offset + k] = bufferV[k];
pDstU[offset + k] = bufferU[k];
bCnt2 = !bCnt2;
make clean
rm .stamp_built
cd ../../../
标准显示器 480x320 或 800x480 可以达到的最佳帧速率是多少?
最近编辑记录 hoel (2021-08-16 21:27:46)
你介意分享当前版本的来源吗? 所以我们可以直接从那里开始
最近编辑记录 hoel (2021-08-20 03:50:47)
# gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=bad_apple.mp4 ! qtdemux ! h264parse ! omxh264d
ec ! autovideoconvert ! fbdevsink
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
ERROR: Pipeline doesn't want to pause.
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstOMXH264Dec-omxh264dec:omxh264dec-omxh264dec0: Could not initialize supporting library.
Additional debug info:
../gst-libs/gst/video/gstvideodecoder.c(2517): gst_video_decoder_change_state (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstOMXH264Dec-omxh264dec:omxh264dec-omxh264dec0:
Failed to open decoder
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
Freeing pipeline ...
请问 Caught SIGSEGV 问题解决了吗?我按照楼主的方法更改了代码,重新编译后还会出现同样的问题
最近编辑记录 秦皇岛岛主 (2022-01-19 10:21:31)
请问 Caught SIGSEGV 问题解决了吗?我按照楼主的方法更改了代码,重新编译后还会出现同样的问题
请问楼主 ERROR : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat:290>: erro: pParamData->nIndex > m_sPortFormatType.nIndex
出现这个的原因是什么 ? 是颜色空间没加吗?
# gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=b_800x480.mp4 ! qtdemux ! h264parse ! omxh264d
ec ! autovideoconvert ! fbdevsink
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
OMX-Cannot open OpenMAX registry file /root/.omxregister
OMX-A Component loader constructor fails. Exiting
ERROR: Pipeline doesn't want to pause.
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstOMXH264Dec-omxh264dec:omxh264dec-omxh264dec0: Could not initialize supporting library.
Additional debug info:
../gst-libs/gst/video/gstvideodecoder.c(2517): gst_video_decoder_change_state (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstOMXH264Dec-omxh264dec:omxh264dec-omxh264dec0:
Failed to open decoder
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
Freeing pipeline ...
800*480 播放不了 200*240可以播放但是泛绿。切速度也不快。是哪里没有搞好。
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=b_200x120.mp4 ! qtdemux ! h264parse ! omxh264d
ec ! autovideoconvert ! fbdevsink
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
debug : cedarc <AwOmxComponentInit:26>:OMXCORE: aw_omx_component_init 133da0
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecInit:1059>:++++++++++++++++++++++omx begin++++++++++++++++++
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecInit:1060>:name = OMX.allwinner.video.decoder.avc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <OmxDecoderCreate:953>:kay: ** 0.
debug : cedarc <CdcMessageQueueCreate:47>:nMessageSize = 20
debug : cedarc <AwOmxComponentSetCallbacks:310>:OMXCORE: aw_omx_component_set_callbacks 133da0, b6635504 , 107898
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecSetCallbacks:1812>:===== vdec set callbacks
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortSetDefinitioin:192>:port:<<<<<<<<in,nBufferCountActual = 2, mBufferCntActual = 2
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortSetDefinitioin:192>:port:<<<<<<<<in,nBufferCountActual = 2, mBufferCntActual = 2
error : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat:288>:erro: pParamData->nIndex > m_sPortFormatType.nIndex
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:359>:current state:OMX_StateLoaded, target state:OMX_StateIdle
debug : omx_vdec <doStateWaitforResources2Idle:563>:bEnabled[1],[1],bPopulated[0],[0]
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:880>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:892>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:894>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:<<<<<<<<in
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:880>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:892>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:894>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:<<<<<<<<in
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:880>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:892>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:894>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:880>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:892>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:894>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:880>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:892>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:894>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:880>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:892>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:894>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <doStateWaitforResources2Idle:563>:bEnabled[1],[1],bPopulated[1],[1]
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:380>:Transit current state:OMX_StateLoaded --> target state:OMX_StateIdle --OK!
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:359>:current state:OMX_StateIdle, target state:OMX_StateExecuting
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:380>:Transit current state:OMX_StateIdle --> target state:OMX_StateExecuting --OK!
debug : omx_vdec_aw <liDealWithInitData:156>:fatal error! pInBufHdr is NULL, check code!
debug : omx_vdec_aw <liDealWithInitData:175>:++++++++++++++++pCtx->mCodecSpecificDataLen[0]
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liPrepare:464>:decoder prepare
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1538>: 1117 get local path: /usr/lib/
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawavs.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawavs.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '117:avs' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawh264.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawh264.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '115:h264' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawh265.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawh265.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '116:h265' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmjpeg.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmjpeg.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '101:mjpeg' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmjpegplus.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmjpegplus.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '101:mjpegplus' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg2.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmpeg2.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '102:mpeg2' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '103:mpeg2' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4base.so
warning: cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1498>: Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4dx.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4dx.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '105:mpeg4dx' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '106:mpeg4dx' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '107:mpeg4dx' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10e:mpeg4dx' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10f:mpeg4dx' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4h263.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4h263.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '104:mpeg4H263' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10b:mpeg4H263' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10d:mpeg4H263' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4normal.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4normal.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10a:mpeg4Normal' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '10c:mpeg4Normal' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '108:mpeg4Normal' success.
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '109:mpeg4Normal' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4vp6.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawmpeg4vp6.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '111:Mpeg4Vp6' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawvp8.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawvp8.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '112:vp8' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawvp9Hw.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawvp9Hw.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '113:Vp9Hw' success.
warning: cedarc <AddVDPlugin:1548>: 1117 load so: /usr/lib/libawwmv3.so
debug : cedarc <AddVDPluginSingle:1501>: vdecoder open lib: /usr/lib/libawwmv3.so
warning: cedarc <VDecoderRegister:127>: register codec: '110:vc1' success.
debug : cedarc <LogVersionInfo:40>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cedar Codec <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
tag : CedarC-v1.1.9
branch: master
commit: 1951abe1456450ea48bfd446e801861a1354e93c
date : Wed May 30 18:59:36 2018 +0800
author: jenkins8080
patch :
debug : cedarc <CreateVideoDecoder:215>:CreateVideoDecoder ****
debug : ionAlloc <__GetIonMemOpsS:985>:*** get __GetIonMemOpsS ***
debug : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open:134>:begin ion_alloc_open
debug : cedarc <VeSetSpeed:1559>: *** set ve freq to 300 Mhz ***
debug : cedarc <VeInitialize:1198>: ve init ok
debug : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open:175>:** phy offset = 40000000
debug : cedarc <VeRelease:1253>: ve release ok
debug : cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:344>:*** pVconfig->nVeFreq = 0
debug : ionAlloc <__GetIonMemOpsS:985>:*** get __GetIonMemOpsS ***
debug : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open:134>:begin ion_alloc_open
warning: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:428>:warning: the nDeInterlaceHoldingFrameBufferNum is 0
warning: cedarc <InitializeVideoDecoder:434>:warning: the nDisplayHoldingFrameBufferNum is 0
debug : cedarc <DecideStreamBufferSize:1943>:nBufferSize=2097152
debug : cedarc <VeSetSpeed:1559>: *** set ve freq to 300 Mhz ***
debug : cedarc <VeInitialize:1198>: ve init ok
debug : cedarc <VideoEngineCreate:388>: *** pEngine->nIcVeVersion = 1663, decIpVersion = 0
debug : cedarc <CreateSpecificDecoder:1209>: Create decoder '115:h264'
debug : cedarc <VideoEngineCreate:481>: **************eCtlAfcbMode = 0
debug : cedarc <GetSbmInterface:1705>:*********GetSbmInterface, nType=4
debug : cedarc <GetSbmInterfaceFrame:1663>:******* sbm-type: Frame*******
debug : cedarc <SbmFrameInit:178>:************pSbm->sbmInterface.bUseNewVeMemoryProgram=0
debug : cedarc <CdcMessageQueueCreate:47>:nMessageSize = 20
debug : omx_vdec <onMessageReceived:778>:********start***********
debug : omx_thread <createThread:123>:+++++ self->mThread: 2995909728
debug : omx_thread <OmxThread_Run:151>:thread submit start to run!
debug : omx_thread <createThread:123>:+++++ self->mThread: 2987517024
debug : omx_thread <OmxThread_Run:151>:thread decode start to run!
debug : omx_thread <createThread:123>:+++++ self->mThread: 2979124320
debug : omx_thread <OmxThread_Run:151>:thread drain start to run!
debug : cedarc <AvcSbmFrameCheckBitStreamType:320>:result: bStreamWithStartCode[1], with[1], whitout[0]
debug : cedarc <H264DecVuiParameters:300>: nFrameRate=30
debug : cedarc <H264DecodePictureScanType:2688>: here3:hCtx->bProgressice=1
debug : fbm.c <FbmCreateBuffer:133>:FbmCreate, total fbm number: 8, decoder needed: 5, nWidth=208, nHeight=128 nAlignStride = 16
debug : fbm.c <FbmCreateBuffer:226>:** call allocate pic buf, i = 0, maxNum = 8
debug : fbm.c <FbmCreateBuffer:226>:** call allocate pic buf, i = 1, maxNum = 8
debug : fbm.c <FbmCreateBuffer:226>:** call allocate pic buf, i = 2, maxNum = 8
debug : fbm.c <FbmCreateBuffer:226>:** call allocate pic buf, i = 3, maxNum = 8
debug : fbm.c <FbmCreateBuffer:226>:** call allocate pic buf, i = 4, maxNum = 8
debug : fbm.c <FbmCreateBuffer:226>:** call allocate pic buf, i = 5, maxNum = 8
debug : fbm.c <FbmCreateBuffer:226>:** call allocate pic buf, i = 6, maxNum = 8
debug : fbm.c <FbmCreateBuffer:226>:** call allocate pic buf, i = 7, maxNum = 8
debug : fbm.c <FbmCreateBuffer:379>:*** finish fbmCreateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec_aw <liCheckResolutionChange:214>:gqy********l:0, t:0, w:200, h:120
warning: omx_vdec_aw <liCheckResolutionChange:251>: port setting changed -- old info : widht = 176, height = 144, mVideoRect: 0, 0, 200, 120
warning: omx_vdec_aw <liCheckResolutionChange:256>: port setting changed -- new info : widht = 224, height = 128, mVideoRect: 0, 0, 200, 120
debug : omx_vdec <decoderCallbackProcess:844>:*******AW_OMX_CB_PORT_CHANGE
debug : omx_thread <OmxThread_suspend:220>:++++++++++suspend, drain
debug : omx_thread <loopEntryWrapper:38>:post stop run sem drain
debug : omx_thread <OmxThread_suspend:223>:++++++++wait stop-run sem done: drain
debug : omx_vdec <controlStopPort:431>:gqy****stop port****, portIdx:1
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortFreeBuffer:455>:port:>>>>>>>out, pBufferHdr:0x8d3d8
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortFreeBuffer:455>:port:>>>>>>>out, pBufferHdr:0x8d428
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortFreeBuffer:455>:port:>>>>>>>out, pBufferHdr:0x8d478
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortFreeBuffer:455>:port:>>>>>>>out, pBufferHdr:0x8d4c8
debug : omx_vdec <controlRestartPort:500>: restart port command. portIdx:1,m_state:OMX_StateExecuting
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecUseBuffer:1661>:PortIndex[1], nSizeBytes[43008], pBuffer[0xb4812050]
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecUseBuffer:1682>:pPortDef[1]->bEnabled=0, m_state=OMX_StateExecuting, can allocate_buffer.
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecUseBuffer:1661>:PortIndex[1], nSizeBytes[43008], pBuffer[0xb481f050]
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecUseBuffer:1682>:pPortDef[1]->bEnabled=0, m_state=OMX_StateExecuting, can allocate_buffer.
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecUseBuffer:1661>:PortIndex[1], nSizeBytes[43008], pBuffer[0xb48298b0]
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecUseBuffer:1682>:pPortDef[1]->bEnabled=0, m_state=OMX_StateExecuting, can allocate_buffer.
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecUseBuffer:1661>:PortIndex[1], nSizeBytes[43008], pBuffer[0xb4834110]
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecUseBuffer:1682>:pPortDef[1]->bEnabled=0, m_state=OMX_StateExecuting, can allocate_buffer.
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:>>>>>>>out
debug : omx_thread <OmxThread_resume:246>:++++++++++resume, drain
exec gdb failed: No such file or directory
Spinning. Please run 'gdb gst-launch-1.0 169' to continue debugging, Ctrl-C to quit, or Ctrl-\ to dump core.
Pipeline is PREROLLED ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstSystemClock
^Chandling interrupt.
Interrupt: Stopping pipeline ...
Execution ended after 0:00:03.397877084
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Setting pipeline to READY ...
debug : omx_thread <OmxThread_suspend:220>:++++++++++suspend, drain
# ^C
# mplayer b_800x480.mp4
Creating config file: /root/.mplayer/config
MPlayer 1.1-8.4.0 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
Playing b_800x480.mp4.
libavformat version 54.6.100 (internal)
libavformat file format detected.
[lavf] stream 0: video (h264), -vid 0
[lavf] stream 1: audio (aac), -aid 0, -alang und
VIDEO: [H264] 800x480 24bpp 30.000 fps 728.6 kbps (88.9 kbyte/s)
Clip info:
major_brand: isom
minor_version: 512
compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41
encoder: Lavf58.42.100
description: Packed by Bilibili XCoder v2.0.2
Load subtitles in ./
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
libavcodec version 54.23.100 (internal)
Selected video codec: [ffh264] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg H.264)
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.3 kbit/9.09% (ratio: 16037->176400)
Selected audio codec: [ffaac] afm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg AAC (MPEG-2/MPEG-4 Audio))
AO: [oss] 44100Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Starting playback...
Unsupported PixelFormat 61
Unsupported PixelFormat 53
Unsupported PixelFormat 81
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
Movie-Aspect is 1.78:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
[swscaler @ 0x9593e0]No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to bgra.
[swscaler @ 0x9593e0]using unscaled yuv420p -> bgra special converter
VO: [fbdev] 800x480 => 854x480 BGRA
framebuffer too small for double-buffering, disabling
A: 3.8 V: 0.2 A-V: 3.554 ct: 0.005 0/ 0 ??% ??% ??,?% 8 0
MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: filter video
A: 4.3 V: 0.2 A-V: 4.086 ct: 0.005 0/ 0 ??% ??% ??,?% 9 0
请问 Caught SIGSEGV 问题解决了吗?我按照楼主的方法更改了代码,重新编译后还会出现同样的问题
$ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=/root/demo.mp4 ! qtdemux ! h264parse ! omxh264dec ! autovideoconvert ! fbdevsink
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Illegal instruction
# gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=bad_apple.mp4 ! qtdemux name=demux demux.audio
_0 ! queue ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! alsasink demux.video_0 !
queue ! h264parse ! omxh264dec ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! fbdevsink
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
debug : cedarc <AwOmxComponentInit:26>:OMXCORE: aw_omx_component_init 16a400
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecInit:1059>:++++++++++++++++++++++omx begin++++++++++++++++++
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecInit:1060>:name = OMX.allwinner.video.decoder.avc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <OmxDecoderCreate:958>:kay: ** 0.
debug : cedarc <CdcMessageQueueCreate:47>:nMessageSize = 20
debug : cedarc <AwOmxComponentSetCallbacks:309>:OMXCORE: aw_omx_component_set_callbacks 16a400, b6447504 , 61470
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecSetCallbacks:1812>:===== vdec set callbacks
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortSetDefinitioin:190>:port:<<<<<<<<in,nBufferCountActual = 2, mBufferCntActual = 2
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortSetDefinitioin:190>:port:<<<<<<<<in,nBufferCountActual = 2, mBufferCntActual = 2
error : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortGetFormat:288>:erro: pParamData->nIndex > m_sPortFormatType.nIndex
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:358>:current state:OMX_StateLoaded, target state:OMX_StateIdle
debug : omx_vdec <doStateWaitforResources2Idle:561>:bEnabled[1],[1],bPopulated[0],[0]
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:885>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:897>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:899>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:<<<<<<<<in
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1693>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1713>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 2
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:885>:kay: *** 0.
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:897>:kay: malloc
debug : omx_vdec_aw <__liAllocatePortBuffer:899>:kay: malloc2
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer:1715>:kay: __AwOmxVdecAllocateBuffer 3
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortPopBuffer:393>:*******port pop buffer:<<<<<<<<in
WARNING: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstFBDEVSink:fbdevsink0: A lot of buffers are being dropped.
Additional debug info:
../libs/gst/base/gstbasesink.c(3005): gst_base_sink_is_too_late (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstFBDEVSink:fbdevsink0:
There may be a timestamping problem, or this computer is too slow.
WARNING: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstFBDEVSink:fbdevsink0: A lot of buffers are being dropped.
Additional debug info:
../libs/gst/base/gstbasesink.c(3005): gst_base_sink_is_too_late (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstFBDEVSink:fbdevsink0:
There may be a timestamping problem, or this computer is too slow.
debug : omx_vdec <doStateWaitforResources2Idle:561>:bEnabled[1],[1],bPopulated[1],[1]
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:379>:Transit current state:OMX_StateExecuting --> target state:OMX_StateIdle --OK!
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:358>:current state:OMX_StateIdle, target state:OMX_StateLoaded
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortFreeBuffer:455>:port:<<<<<<<<in, pBufferHdr:0x135d70
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortFreeBuffer:455>:port:<<<<<<<<in, pBufferHdr:0x135dc0
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortFreeBuffer:455>:port:>>>>>>>out, pBufferHdr:0x8f278
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortFreeBuffer:455>:port:>>>>>>>out, pBufferHdr:0x8f2c8
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortFreeBuffer:455>:port:>>>>>>>out, pBufferHdr:0x8f318
debug : omx_vdec <AwOmxVdecPortFreeBuffer:455>:port:>>>>>>>out, pBufferHdr:0x8f368
debug : omx_vdec <controlSetState:379>:Transit current state:OMX_StateIdle --> target state:OMX_StateLoaded --OK!
debug : cedarc <AwOmxComponentDeinit:47>:OMXCORE: aw_omx_component_deinit 16a400
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecComponentDeinit:1829>:Omx Vdec Component Deinit begin
debug : omx_vdec <onMessageReceived:786>:********quit************
debug : omx_sem <OmxTryPostSem:119>:post sem:flushSem
debug : omx_thread <loopEntryWrapper:72>:exit thread drain truely!!!
debug : omx_thread <loopEntryWrapper:72>:exit thread decode truely!!!
debug : omx_thread <loopEntryWrapper:72>:exit thread submit truely!!!
debug : omx_vdec <__AwOmxVdecComponentDeinit:1835>:threads exit!
debug : cedarc <checkLibUnload:188>: Unloading the dynamic library for OMX.allwinner.video.decoder.avc
Freeing pipeline ...
发现播放其他mp4就直接出现 Caught SIGSEGV 了,看来还是有些问题,但也超出我的水平范围了.
我有个问题想请教一下,我正在尝试在f1c200S 上实现硬解码,现在 /dev/ion 和 /dev/cedar_dev 已经有了,我也根据楼主的说明修改了 buildroot中关于libcedarc-master 和 gst-omx-1.16.0 中的相关代码,但是在buildroot 配置的时候,发现找不到 gst1-plugins-bayer2rgb-neon,我也就没勾选这一项,现在在F1C200s上面运行测试的时候出现有运行异常,请问是否和 gst1-plugins-bayer2rgb-neon 这个包有相关性?我在buildroot中发现是有 gst1-plugins-bayer2rgb-neon 这个包的,但是有依赖,需要 BR2_ARM_CPU_HAS_NEON ,可是我发现在F1C200S的默认配置中无法勾选该选项,这个问题,谁有遇到过?