How about reversing the pins from DB0-DB15 left to right -> DB15-DB0 left to right? (your FC3000 diagram: so DB0 starts from the right then)
i think RST,CS,RS,WR,RD are ok else we would see nothing
glad to see you making progress,I have 500M/32 Channel logic analysis. unfortunately my fc3000 bricking after arrival in one hours. or i could help hack it,
PS: i try to flash firmware without read notice first, try to fix it but my baby cost all my free time, so just drop it.
fc3000 starts with a white screen now. is that right?
here is website i found about screen, (https://www.skytech.ir/product_details.aspx?ID_Parts=4919&T2812-m106-24c-7d-2.8inch-lcd-tft-hx8347-driver)
i can't open it, hope this could help you
使用的是芒果家的 MQ D1S 以及芒果家的 4.3 寸电阻触摸屏 + TinaLinux SDK 2.0
1,使用 getevent 打印,大致每秒只打印几个数据,大致判断问题应该不是 lvgl 是 RTP 驱动的原因
root@TinaLinux:/# getevent
add device 1: /dev/input/event1
name: "audiocodec sunxi Audio Jack"
add device 2: /dev/input/event0
name: "2009c00.rtp"
poll 3, returned 1
/dev/input/event0: 0003 0000 00000d4a
poll 3, returned 1
/dev/input/event0: 0003 0001 00000610
poll 3, returned 1
/dev/input/event0: 0001 014a 00000001
poll 3, returned 1
/dev/input/event0: 0000 0000 00000000
2,执行 'cat /proc/interrupts' 检查中断,发现 rtp 中断正常触发
root@TinaLinux:/# cat /proc/interrupts
2: 352 SiFive PLIC 78 sun4i-ts
4: 0 SiFive PLIC 80 2010000.iommu
6: 0 SiFive PLIC 82 cedar_dev
8: 0 SiFive PLIC 160 7090000.rtc
18: 918 SiFive PLIC 18 uart0
3,使用 'ts_test' 测试触摸屏,可以明显发现画线或拖动时,触摸调动,感觉就像是 0.5 秒采样一次的样子
4,调节 rtp dts 配置参数调整滤波方式和敏感度重复以上测试,现象无明显改善
&rtp {
allwinner,tp-sensitive-adjust = <0x0F>; // 从 0x00 ~ 0x0F 测试,均无明显差异
allwinner,filter-type = <0x3>; // 从 0x0 ~ 0x3 修改测试,均无明显差异
status = "okay";
另外,GITHUB 上这兄弟也写了一套,感兴趣的可以看看,
JasonWoo 说:网线传输一般不超过100m的,80m能稳定说明PHY没有大问题,再想提升距离只能加中继器,网线的质量也很重要,用高类线。另外网口电路是否符合参考设计,阻抗匹配等各种问题要考虑进去啊。
好像没有那么长,我之前调 83848 参数就是100米左右,刚看最新的 DP83848C Rev E的手册,最大是 150M,应该是改进了