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新增功能:系统分析器可以在一个窗口中显示相关的执行信息。它显示程序事件,中断执行,数据跟踪和功耗(使用 ULINKplus时)。
新增功能:编辑器改进:灰色文本在#if / #endif语句之间显示不活动的源代码; 带下划线的文字显示符号,类型和功能的帮助链接。按下F1键打开相应的文档。
补充:支持ULINKplus调试适配器。有关更多信息,请参阅ULINKplus 用户指南。用户指南还介绍了使用ULINKplus 为功率测量和 测试自动化引入的uVision功能 。
更新:P&E Micro调试驱动程序到版本6.78。
更新:Segger J-Link调试驱动程序到版本6.30h。
将ARM Compiler 6更新至版本6.9:有关更多详细信息,请参阅发行说明。
ARM - CMSIS 5.3.0
补充:神经网络库CMSIS-NN 版本 1.0.0的初始版本 。
更新:CMSIS-Core(Cortex-M)到版本 5.1.1和 CMSIS-Core(Cortex-A)到版本 1.1.1
更新:CMSIS-DAP 版本2.0.0(通过WinUSB进行通信以实现更高的传输速率)。
Keil - ARM编译器扩展1.4.0
为事件记录器组件添加了专用的开始/停止事件。这些事件使MDK调试器的“ 事件统计”对话框能够显示这些事件之间的最小,最大和平均执行时间,通过次数和电流消耗。
Keil - MDK中间件7.6.0
更正后:USART_CDC_ACM.c CMSIS UART驱动程序接收函数返回接收缓冲区中的无效数据。
没注册器吗 关注中。
[uVision updated to V5.29.0.0] ◾Added: option in License Manager to request a 30-day evaluation license of the MDK Professional edition.
◾Added support for v8.1-M architecture extensions (requires MDK Professional).
◾Enhanced: auto-generated scatter files can manage multiple modules with the same name.
◾Enhanced: librarian is skipped in build if all contained objects are up to date shortening the build times.
◾[Arm Compiler included] ◾Included Arm Compiler 5 version 5.06u6 - unchanged: see Release Notes for further details.
◾Updated Arm Compiler 6 to version 6.13 - see Release Notes for further details.
◾[Software Packs included] ◾Keil - MDK Middleware 7.10.0 ◾Updated File System Component to version 6.13.0 ◾Added ftime_set and ftime_get functions used to manage the file or directory timestamps.
◾Added status codes fsAlreadyExists and fsNotDirectory that allow more control when using fmkdir, frmdir and fchdir.
◾Added debug configuration for debugging with Event Recorder.
◾Added second instance of the RAM drive (drive R1).
◾Corrected bug in FAT file name compare for names with equal root and 13 characters in length (LFN).
◾Corrected bug in FAT cluster handling when deleting file which could cause false out of space error.
◾Corrected bug in fmedia which could cause non-initialized pointer access when using uninitialized drive.
◾Updated Network Component to version 7.12.0 ◾Added support for Digest access authentication in HTTP server.
◾Added support for user accounts in HTTP server Digest authentication.
◾Added support for passwords stored as MD5 hash value HA1.
◾Added support for the WiFi interface.
◾Added send frame buffering, if the MAC address in the IPv6 NDP cache is not resolved (the first call to the netUDP_Send function does not fail anymore).
◾Corrected possible memory corruption in CHAP authentication, when PPP interface used in client mode, and the server generates CHAP challenges of less than 16 bytes.
◾Corrected memory issue when receiving fragmented broadcast message.
◾Corrected return code from BSD_EINVAL to BSD_ESOCK if BSD socket is not created.
◾Corrected filtering for link-layer addressed UDP messages (datagrams with correct MAC address and invalid IP address are no longer received).
◾Corrected Neighbor Discovery failure, when the requested global IPv6 address is on-link.
◾Corrected problem in BSD socket timeouts, when the blocked receiving and blocked sending in the socket are simultaneously used from two threads.
◾Corrected problem, that the device is not accessible to IPv6 after changing the MAC address.
◾Corrected possible TCP socket retransmission failure in keep-alive mode for very short time limits, when the keep-alive timer expired before the retransmission timer.
◾Corrected CHAP authentication failure in the PPP interface, when used in client mode.
◾Improved and optimized network core processing.
◾Improved versioning, added library version to a map file (i.e.: "network_ip4_release_v7.10.6").
◾Improved access to ethernet, serial and modem drivers.
◾Improved Event Recorder debug support and updated documentation for the debug events available in the Network Services.
◾Optimized send_frame functions for network interfaces.
◾Updated IGMP multicast address filtering.
◾Updated lease renewal in the DHCP client also updates the default Gateway.
◾Updated USB Component to version 6.13.7 ◾Added thread name for all threads created by the USB stack.
◾USB Host ◾Corrected CMSIS-RTOS1 compatibility mode compilation error in USART_CDC_ACM.c and USART_PL2303.c templates.
◾Corrected USBH_Device_GetController, USBH_Device_GetPort, USBH_Device_GetAddress, USBH_Device_GetVID, and USBH_Device_GetPID functions to work in device enumeration Initialize callbacks.
◾USB Device ◾Corrected delay on USB out transfer when multiple USB devices are used.
◾Corrected handling if endpoint configuration in driver fails.
◾Corrected MSC class support for sector size different than 512.
◾Corrected MAC_str_to_addr function in Ethernet RNDIS driver.
◾Corrected MAC_str_to_addr function in USBD_User_CDC_ACM_RNDIS_ETH.c and USBD_User_CDC_ACM_RNDIS_VETH.c templates.
◾Improved USB input buffers alignment (aligned to 32 bytes, support cache up to 32 bytes per cache line).
◾Unchanged Graphics Component to version 5.50.
◾Unchanged Board Support Interface specification.
◾ARM - CMSIS 5.6.0 ◾Updated: CMSIS-Core (Cortex-M) to version 5.3.0. ◾Added provisions for compiler-independent C startup code.
◾Corrected a compilation issue in cmsis_armclang_ltm.h introduced in 5.2.0.
◾Updated: CMSIS-Core (Cortex-A) to version 1.1.4. ◾Corrected an issue in the Floating Point Unit Function __FPU_Enable().
◾Modified functions __get_SP_usr() / __set_SP_usr() to work with ArmClang.
◾Corrected a zero argument handling in function __CLZ().
◾Updated: CMSIS-DSP to version 1.7.0. ◾Modified arm_math.h . ◾Removed dependance on cores.
◾Deprecated __SIMD32 and introduced new functions for SIMD accesses.
◾Added compilation flags for FFT. It is now possible to include only the tables required for FFTs.
◾Updated: CMSIS-NN to version 1.2.0. ◾Added arm_status arm_depthwise_conv_u8_basic_ver1 function for depthwise convolution with asymmetric quantization.
◾Added arm_nn_sat_doubling_high_mult and arm_nn_divide_by_power_of_two support functions for quantization.
◾Updated: CMSIS-RTOS to version 4.82. ◾Corrected: Recursive Mutex 16-bit lock counter is now checked to not overflow.
◾ Devices ◾Generalized C startup code for all Cortex-M family devices.
◾Updated Cortex-A memory regions and system configuration files.
◾ Utilities ◾Updated SVDConv to version 3.3.27.
◾Updated PackChk to version 1.3.87.
◾ARM - CMSIS-Driver 2.4.1 ◾Added CMSIS-WiFi driver for the Espressif ESP8266 WiFi module.
◾Updated CMSIS-WiFi driver for the Inventek ISM43362 WiFi module to version 1.2.0. ◾Corrected SocketClose functionality.
◾Updated Initialization function to handle unavailable reset pin.
◾Updated functionality to comply with CMSIS WiFi Driver Validation.
◾Added debug of SPI traffic to Event Recorder.
◾Corrected PHY_LAN8742A power down bit definition.
◾Keil - Arm Compiler 1.6.2 (Software Pack) ◾Added ARMV81MML to the list of supported processors.
◾Updated EventRecorder.scvd: ◾using level 'Detail' for start/stop A event group to not show in red.
◾adding prefix attribute to enable linking the event property to the doxygen documentation.
◾[Target debugging] ◾ULINKpro: ◾updated firmware to version 1.59 adding support for JTAG-DPv3 (ADIv6).
◾added support for CoreSight DAP v3 based on ADIv6.
◾added support for SDF files from CMSIS debug description for complex trace topologies.
◾added support for switch out of dormant state for CoreSight SW-DPv2 (Serial Wire Debug Port).
◾ULINKplus: ◾added support for CoreSight DAP v3 based on ADIv6.
◾added support for SDF files from CMSIS debug description for complex trace topologies.
◾added support for switch out of dormant state for CoreSight SW-DPv2 (Serial Wire Debug Port).
◾ULINK2: ◾added support for SDF files from CMSIS debug description for complex trace topologies.
◾added support for switch out of dormant state for CoreSight SW-DPv2 (Serial Wire Debug Port).
◾CMSIS-DAP: ◾added support for CoreSight DAP v3 based on ADIv6.
◾added support for SDF files from CMSIS debug description for complex trace topologies.
◾added support for switch out of dormant state for CoreSight SW-DPv2 (Serial Wire Debug Port).
◾ST-LINK (STMicroelectronics): ◾updated debug driver to version
◾including firmware upgrade utility ST-LinkUpgrade.exe version 2.5.2.
◾NULink (Nuvoton) updated debug driver to version 3.01.6951.
◾Stellaris ICDI support has been removed.
◾ [Cortex-M Architecture models] ◾Updated Fixed Virtual Platform (FVP) support to version 11.8.59.
◾[Supported Operating Systems] ◾Refer to System Requirements Overview for hardware and operating system requirements.
MDK 529 下载。
[uVision updated to V5.29.0.0] ◾Added: option in License Manager to request a 30-day evaluation license of the MDK Professional edition. ◾Added support for v8.1-M architecture extensions (requires MDK Professional). ◾Enhanced: auto-generated scatter files can manage multiple modules with the same name. ◾Enhanced: librarian is skipped in build if all contained objects are up to date shortening the build times. ◾[Arm Compiler included] ◾Included Arm Compiler 5 version 5.06u6 - unchanged: see Release Notes for further details. ◾Updated Arm Compiler 6 to version 6.13 - see Release Notes for further details. ◾[Software Packs included] ◾Keil - MDK Middleware 7.10.0 ◾Updated File System Component to version 6.13.0 ◾Added ftime_set and ftime_get functions used to manage the file or directory timestamps. ◾Added status codes fsAlreadyExists and fsNotDirectory that allow more control when using fmkdir, frmdir and fchdir. ◾Added debug configuration for debugging with Event Recorder. ◾Added second instance of the RAM drive (drive R1). ◾Corrected bug in FAT file name compare for names with equal root and 13 characters in length (LFN). ◾Corrected bug in FAT cluster handling when deleting file which could cause false out of space error. ◾Corrected bug in fmedia which could cause non-initialized pointer access when using uninitialized drive. ◾Updated Network Component to version 7.12.0 ◾Added support for Digest access authentication in HTTP server. ◾Added support for user accounts in HTTP server Digest authentication. ◾Added support for passwords stored as MD5 hash value HA1. ◾Added support for the WiFi interface. ◾Added send frame buffering, if the MAC address in the IPv6 NDP cache is not resolved (the first call to the netUDP_Send function does not fail anymore). ◾Corrected possible memory corruption in CHAP authentication, when PPP interface used in client mode, and the server generates CHAP challenges of less than 16 bytes. ◾Corrected memory issue when receiving fragmented broadcast message. ◾Corrected return code from BSD_EINVAL to BSD_ESOCK if BSD socket is not created. ◾Corrected filtering for link-layer addressed UDP messages (datagrams with correct MAC address and invalid IP address are no longer received). ◾Corrected Neighbor Discovery failure, when the requested global IPv6 address is on-link. ◾Corrected problem in BSD socket timeouts, when the blocked receiving and blocked sending in the socket are simultaneously used from two threads. ◾Corrected problem, that the device is not accessible to IPv6 after changing the MAC address. ◾Corrected possible TCP socket retransmission failure in keep-alive mode for very short time limits, when the keep-alive timer expired before the retransmission timer. ◾Corrected CHAP authentication failure in the PPP interface, when used in client mode. ◾Improved and optimized network core processing. ◾Improved versioning, added library version to a map file (i.e.: "network_ip4_release_v7.10.6"). ◾Improved access to ethernet, serial and modem drivers. ◾Improved Event Recorder debug support and updated documentation for the debug events available in the Network Services. ◾Optimized send_frame functions for network interfaces. ◾Updated IGMP multicast address filtering. ◾Updated lease renewal in the DHCP client also updates the default Gateway. ◾Updated USB Component to version 6.13.7 ◾Added thread name for all threads created by the USB stack. ◾USB Host ◾Corrected CMSIS-RTOS1 compatibility mode compilation error in USART_CDC_ACM.c and USART_PL2303.c templates. ◾Corrected USBH_Device_GetController, USBH_Device_GetPort, USBH_Device_GetAddress, USBH_Device_GetVID, and USBH_Device_GetPID functions to work in device enumeration Initialize callbacks. ◾USB Device ◾Corrected delay on USB out transfer when multiple USB devices are used. ◾Corrected handling if endpoint configuration in driver fails. ◾Corrected MSC class support for sector size different than 512. ◾Corrected MAC_str_to_addr function in Ethernet RNDIS driver. ◾Corrected MAC_str_to_addr function in USBD_User_CDC_ACM_RNDIS_ETH.c and USBD_User_CDC_ACM_RNDIS_VETH.c templates. ◾Improved USB input buffers alignment (aligned to 32 bytes, support cache up to 32 bytes per cache line). ◾Unchanged Graphics Component to version 5.50. ◾Unchanged Board Support Interface specification. ◾ARM - CMSIS 5.6.0 ◾Updated: CMSIS-Core (Cortex-M) to version 5.3.0. ◾Added provisions for compiler-independent C startup code. ◾Corrected a compilation issue in cmsis_armclang_ltm.h introduced in 5.2.0. ◾Updated: CMSIS-Core (Cortex-A) to version 1.1.4. ◾Corrected an issue in the Floating Point Unit Function __FPU_Enable(). ◾Modified functions __get_SP_usr() / __set_SP_usr() to work with ArmClang. ◾Corrected a zero argument handling in function __CLZ(). ◾Updated: CMSIS-DSP to version 1.7.0. ◾Modified arm_math.h . ◾Removed dependance on cores. ◾Deprecated __SIMD32 and introduced new functions for SIMD accesses. ◾Added compilation flags for FFT. It is now possible to include only the tables required for FFTs. ◾Updated: CMSIS-NN to version 1.2.0. ◾Added arm_status arm_depthwise_conv_u8_basic_ver1 function for depthwise convolution with asymmetric quantization. ◾Added arm_nn_sat_doubling_high_mult and arm_nn_divide_by_power_of_two support functions for quantization. ◾Updated: CMSIS-RTOS to version 4.82. ◾Corrected: Recursive Mutex 16-bit lock counter is now checked to not overflow. ◾ Devices ◾Generalized C startup code for all Cortex-M family devices. ◾Updated Cortex-A memory regions and system configuration files. ◾ Utilities ◾Updated SVDConv to version 3.3.27. ◾Updated PackChk to version 1.3.87. ◾ARM - CMSIS-Driver 2.4.1 ◾Added CMSIS-WiFi driver for the Espressif ESP8266 WiFi module. ◾Updated CMSIS-WiFi driver for the Inventek ISM43362 WiFi module to version 1.2.0. ◾Corrected SocketClose functionality. ◾Updated Initialization function to handle unavailable reset pin. ◾Updated functionality to comply with CMSIS WiFi Driver Validation. ◾Added debug of SPI traffic to Event Recorder. ◾Corrected PHY_LAN8742A power down bit definition. ◾Keil - Arm Compiler 1.6.2 (Software Pack) ◾Added ARMV81MML to the list of supported processors. ◾Updated EventRecorder.scvd: ◾using level 'Detail' for start/stop A event group to not show in red. ◾adding prefix attribute to enable linking the event property to the doxygen documentation. ◾[Target debugging] ◾ULINKpro: ◾updated firmware to version 1.59 adding support for JTAG-DPv3 (ADIv6). ◾added support for CoreSight DAP v3 based on ADIv6. ◾added support for SDF files from CMSIS debug description for complex trace topologies. ◾added support for switch out of dormant state for CoreSight SW-DPv2 (Serial Wire Debug Port). ◾ULINKplus: ◾added support for CoreSight DAP v3 based on ADIv6. ◾added support for SDF files from CMSIS debug description for complex trace topologies. ◾added support for switch out of dormant state for CoreSight SW-DPv2 (Serial Wire Debug Port). ◾ULINK2: ◾added support for SDF files from CMSIS debug description for complex trace topologies. ◾added support for switch out of dormant state for CoreSight SW-DPv2 (Serial Wire Debug Port). ◾CMSIS-DAP: ◾added support for CoreSight DAP v3 based on ADIv6. ◾added support for SDF files from CMSIS debug description for complex trace topologies. ◾added support for switch out of dormant state for CoreSight SW-DPv2 (Serial Wire Debug Port). ◾ST-LINK (STMicroelectronics): ◾updated debug driver to version ◾including firmware upgrade utility ST-LinkUpgrade.exe version 2.5.2. ◾NULink (Nuvoton) updated debug driver to version 3.01.6951. ◾Stellaris ICDI support has been removed. ◾ [Cortex-M Architecture models] ◾Updated Fixed Virtual Platform (FVP) support to version 11.8.59. ◾[Supported Operating Systems] ◾Refer to System Requirements Overview for hardware and operating system requirements.
MDK 529 下载。